'Jon & Kate Plus 8' Alum Shares Stern Opinion on Ozempic for Weight Loss

Jon Gosselin

Jon Gosselin is being open and honest about his weight loss journey, which he recently admitted has been a bumpy road as of late.

The former star of Jon & Kate Plus 8 has long been focused on keeping his body in good shape after previously dropping from 255 to 200 pounds years ago—but lately, he said he's been "complacent" when it comes to his health, and recently gained around 35 pounds.

"I just got complacent with my health," he recently told Entertainment Tonight. "I'm in a comfortable relationship. I love my girlfriend, Stephanie [Lebo]. We just eat whatever we want; do whatever."

Later during the rare new interview, the ex-reality star, who now works as a DJ, spoke candidly about his lifestyle habits and weight loss goals, while giving his two cents on the current craze around Ozempic, a drug intended to treat Type-2 diabetes that has become increasingly popular in aiding with weight loss.

According to Gosselin, 46, the idea of going on Ozempic or taking supplements for weight loss previously piqued his interest, though he said he initially didn't believe in taking health advice from "bros" who swear by unorthodox methods of getting in shape.

It wasn't until the former TLC personality met Dan Holtz, founder of the Beverly Hills Rejuvenation Center, that he began to think about alternative treatments. Now, Gosselin, along with his 19-year-old daughter Hannah, is beginning a process called CellSound therapy, a non-invasive treatment that uses sound waves to reduce fat.

According to Holtz, who also spoke with ET, Gosselin will also begin a derivative of Ozempic for a short time to help him reach his goals. (Gosselin's girlfriend has also used Ozempic for weight loss, the outlet reports.)

Once Gosselin is in a better spot physically, Holtz said it will be all about "teaching Jon the lifestyle and how to maintain healthier lifestyle choices," which is something that is highly important to Gosselin due to his family's long history of heart disease.

"My dad had congestive heart failure. He died almost 18 years ago. He [was 62], and his father died at 65. So, I keep track of that kind of stuff," Gosselin added.

Next: Every Star Who's Admitted To Using Ozempic, WeGovy and Other Weight Loss Drugs (So Far)