Your July 2024 Horoscope: What’s in Store for You, Based on Your Zodiac Sign

If you’ve been looking forward to enjoying more downtime with loved ones and making the most of this sunny, fun-loving season, your July 2024 horoscope is full of promise. After all, the vibrant sun will be making its way through heartfelt, sentimental cardinal water sign Cancer for the first half of the month, supporting your relationships with family members, your home life and your ability to care for the most tender side of your heart. And during the latter half of the month, we’ll enter the first half of fixed fire sign Leo’s season, where the sun is right at home and, therefore, especially capable of offering up plenty of vitality-bringing, optimistic energy while laying the groundwork for nurturing your self-image, drive and confidence.

A few key days to hold in mind as you move into this equally warm, fuzzy and fired up time of year: From July 2 to 25, messenger Mercury will enter Leo, magnifying your ability to command the stage, entertain, express your most creative ideas as well as zero in on a passion project and see it through. A new moon in Cancer on July 5 can kick off a new chapter of prioritizing your heart’s needs and nurturing bonds with your nearest and dearest. And when romantic Venus enters bold, theatrical Leo on July 11, where it remains until August 4, we can all be more demonstrative and self-assured in love and friendship. Action-oriented Mars moves into buzzy, bubbly Gemini on July 20, amplifying curiosity and a desire to flit from one game plan to the next as it moves through the mutable air sign until September 4. Then, around July 21, you’ll want to think back to June 21 when we had the first Capricorn full moon of the year, because a second one now could bring up similar themes, particularly related to work-life balance. And before the month wraps up, information-gathering Mercury slips into one of its home signs, detail-oriented mutable earth sign Virgo, upping your ability to research, analyze and be of service to others.

Here’s how to take advantage of this month’s celestial events, based on your zodiac sign. (Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign if you know it. If you don’t, you can find it in your birth chart or by using this CafeAstrology calculator.)

Aries July 2024 horoscope

Aries July 2024 horoscope

As the month kicks off, a bevy of planets moving through your home zone has your focus on bonding with loved ones and spending time close to home more than usual. July 2 can be an especially sweet day for letting your imagination run wild and connecting with your nearest and dearest, thanks to messenger Mercury in your home zone harmonizing with dreamy Neptune in your spirituality sector. The same day, Mercury moves into your romance and self-expression zone, launching a new era in which you can be more playful, upbeat and creative. You’ll be bringing the same lighthearted, spontaneity-loving vibe into your relationships once Venus joins the party from July 11 to August 4, and in terms of how you pursue your goals once confident sun is there from July 22 to August 22. You can also look forward to a massive blast of go-getter energy once your ruler, action-oriented Mars, in your communication zone forms a pleasant trine to transformative Pluto in your long-term wishes sector. Vibrant conversations, potentially with friends or colleagues, could set the stage for a thrilling win.

Click through for more on Aries.

Taurus July 2024 horoscope

Taurus July 2024 horoscope

The beginning of July 2024 is full of buzzy, fulfilling socializing and getting out into the world with your friends, thanks to so much celestial action in your communication sector. The moment generally feels light and airy, but if you’ve been wanting to commit to a long-term endeavor with friends or a team, you’ll get the green light around July 2 when relationship-oriented Venus in your communication zone harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn in your networking zone. And around July 5, the new moon in your communication sector is also the ideal time to launch any ambitious new endeavor with your social circle. Over the next two weeks and six months, you’re apt to bolster your connections and adopt new skills. Prepare for an influx of more relaxed, homebody energy once your ruling planet is in your home zone from July 11 to August 4. Downtime spent bonding and enjoying summertime traditions with your nearest and dearest proves truly restorative. Around July 15, go-getter Mars joins electrifying Uranus in your sign, which could stir up your desire to break free of routine, so you'll do well to get out of your comfort zone.

Click through for more on Taurus.

Gemini July 2024 horoscope

Gemini July 2024 horoscope

You’ll find your attention focused on money matters more than usual over the course of the first half of the month, thanks to the confident sun in your income sector until July 22. When social Venus in this zone harmonizes with taskmaster Saturn in your career zone on July 2, you could be prepared to sign up for a long-term project that comes with recognition and rewards! And the new moon on July 5, also in your money zone, similarly supports your ability to get the ball rolling on a professional commitment. Look forward to spending more time catching up with friends and filling your calendar with lots of buzzy get-togethers, parties, and other social opportunities, especially once both your ruling planet, messenger Mercury, and relationship-oriented Venus is in your communication sector from July 11 to 25. And your motivation to hit the gas on ambitious personal goals will only skyrocket once go-getter Mars moves through your sign from July 20 to September 4. On July 21, it’ll form a harmonizing angle to powerful Pluto in your higher learning sector, so picking up new skills could be key to taking your efforts to the next level.

Click through for more on Gemini.

Cancer July 2024 horoscope

Cancer July 2024 horoscope

The first half of July encompasses the latter half of your season, which causes your vitality and positivity to soar! And on July 2, messenger Mercury in your sign will form a positive angle to dreamy Neptune in your adventure sector, encouraging you to lean into daydreaming and creative pursuits, especially if they also involve soaking up knowledge. The same day, Mercury then shifts into your money zone, where it’ll be until July 25, enhancing your ability to research and discuss new avenues for earning. Whatever your goal is, you have a special chance to set a meaningful intention around July 5, thanks to the new moon in your sign. The seeds you plant now could begin to flourish as soon as the July 21 full moon and will really show results six months down the road. Also around July 21, go-getter Mars in your spirituality zone harmonizes with transformative Pluto in your emotional bonds sector, encouraging you to not only tune into your heart’s deep-rooted desires but act on them. By doing so, you could feel truly empowered.

Click through for more on Cancer.

Leo July 2024 horoscope

Leo July 2024 horoscope

Cancer season sets a relaxing, restorative tone for you, and July 2024 opens with that same energy, but it won’t be long before you feel a surge of renewed fire and drive, thanks to two key planets moving into your sign well ahead of your ruler, the confident sun. From July 2 to 25, messenger Mercury will be there, encouraging you to nurture your self-image and dive into forms of self-expression that celebrate your core identity. Then, romantic Venus joins in on the fun, moving through your sign from July 11 to August 4, amplifying your ability to prioritize — and magnetize — pleasure, artistic pursuits, social time and anything else that brings you bliss. And prioritizing self-reflective, meditative, restful activities around July 5, when the new moon falls in your spirituality sector, allows you to make psychological space for all of the beauty and magic on the horizon! From July 20 to September 4, action-oriented Mars will be in your networking sector, supporting your ability to build momentum on group projects and goals you share with friends. And once your season is in full effect from July 22 to August 22, you’ll feel more alive, driven and thoroughly unstoppable.

Click through for more on Leo.

Virgo July 2024 horoscope

Virgo July 2024 horoscope

The beginning of July will see you focused on connecting and collaborating with friends and colleagues, with the confident sun moving through your networking sector. But right off the bat, on July 2, you’ll get a sense of the even more prominent energy of the month, because your ruler, messenger Mercury, will move into your spirituality sector where it remains until July 25. You could feel like streamlining your everyday hustle for the sake of tending to your inner peace, and your dreams might be more vivid. You could be inspired to take up a meditation or journaling practice. From July 11 to August 4, romantic Venus will also be in your spirituality sector, which could magnify your desire to build in more solo time and/or quiet, restorative moments with your significant other or a loved one. Around July 5, when the new moon is in your long-term wishes sector, get clear on how you want to pursue a personal aspiration you’ve held onto for quite some time. Committing to your vision can make for rewarding results! And come July 25, messenger Mercury moves forward into your sign, ushering in the first glimpse of your season and highlighting your ability to go to bat for your big ideas!

Click through for more on Virgo.

Libra July 2024 horoscope

Libra July 2024 horoscope

Though your focus has been primarily on putting your nose to the grindstone on your professional aspirations, thanks to the confident sun moving through your career zone, you’ll find that all that hard work is about to pay off in the form of more social time, which you absolutely adore. For starters, messenger Mercury moves through your networking zone from July 2 to 25, setting the stage for even more fun and teamwork alongside friends and colleagues. Once your ruler, beauty-loving Venus, joins Mercury from July 11 to August 4, your desire to feel more connected and to nurture your platonic relationships is sure to be fulfilled. Plus, because both the messenger planet and relationship planet will be in the sector of aspirations, you can lean on your social network to support your pursuit of long-held dreams. You could find you’re especially fired up to take on uncharted terrain and embrace leaps of faith from July 20 to September 4, thanks to action-oriented Mars in your adventure and higher learning zone. In fact, when it harmonizes with powerful Pluto in your self-expression zone, you could find you’re more than prepared to welcome out of the blue, positive change.

Click through for more on Libra.

Scorpio July 2024 horoscope

Scorpio July 2024 horoscope

Cancer season turns your attention to shaking up your typical daily schedule, so it’s possible you’ve been traveling or diving into boosting your skill set or advancing your education recently. And as soon as July begins, you’ll get the sense that you’re about to step into the spotlight on the job, because messenger Mercury will be in your career zone from July 2 to 25, nudging you to step into your power and command authority. Meet with higher-ups to discuss your big picture vision and goals, and being assertive and confident could earn you well-deserved recognition. And when relationship-oriented Venus is there from July 11 to August 4 and the confident sun joins in from July 22 to August 22, you’ll be even more confident, magnetic and capable of earning applause. Around July 5, think about your efforts to learn and move beyond your comfort zone and what you want to achieve in this area of your life, as you can lay the groundwork for growth thanks to the new moon in your adventure zone. And from July 20 to September 4, one of your co-rulers, go-getter Mars, moves through your intimacy sector, serving as fuel for deepening your emotional bond with one of your nearest and dearest.

Click through for more on Scorpio.

Sagittarius July 2024 horoscope

Sagittarius July 2024 horoscope

Though last month saw you devoting more time than usual to fostering your closest relationships, July 2024 brings a surge of bold, go-getter energy that you’ll be head-over-heels for, given just how full of wanderlust you tend to be. On July 2, you’ll get the first indication that this is going to be a fiery, thrilling month, because messenger Mercury will move into your adventure and higher learning sector, where it remains until July 25. The planet of communication’s time here supports your ability to soak up knowledge, make new friends and potentially visit out of the ordinary places — maybe even jet off on a long-distance trip! Once sweet Venus is there from July 11 to August 4 and the confident sun joins from July 22 to August 22, you could find you have an even easier time inviting friends and loved ones to come along for the ride and bonding with one another through eye-opening experiences. And look forward to action-oriented Mars’ trip through your partnership zone from July 20 to September 4, as you can gain steam on goals you share with someone special. .

Click here for more on Sagittarius.

Capricorn July 2024 horoscope

Capricorn July 2024 horoscope

Cancer season, and the first half of July 2024, is full of opportunities to nurture your relationships — whether platonic, romantic or professional — one-on-one, given that the confident sun is making its way through your partnership sector. And around July 5, the new moon there is a beautiful opportunity to kick off a new chapter related to goals you share with someone special. But steel yourself to go even deeper, because even as soon as the month begins, several planets make their way through your intimacy zone. The first is messenger Mercury, which will be there from July 2 to 25, encouraging you to go well past surface level and really explore your own — and your loved ones’ — deep-rooted emotions. When romantic Venus joins from July 11 to August 4, and the confident sun travels through the same zone from July 22 to August 22, you could find that leaning into meaningful, heartfelt bonding time with loved ones proves healing and spiritually fulfilling. Acknowledging and moving through your emotions is a must especially around July 21, which is when the second full moon of the year in your sign hits, and your sensitivity is heightened. You’ll do well to tend to your heart.

Click through for more on Capricorn.

Aquarius July 2024 horoscope

Aquarius July 2024 horoscope

With the sun moving through your wellness and daily routine zone at the start of July, you’ll be immersed in checking off all the to-dos on your list and caring for your mental, physical and emotional well-being in everyday ways (think daily walks, more water, etc.) And around July 5, when the new moon is there, you’ll have a special annual opportunity to get clear on how you’d like to optimize your daily hustle. The vision you hone in on now can have reverberating effects. Then, your one-on-one relationships quickly become a major focus this month, particularly as messenger Mercury and romantic Venus to cruise through your partnership zone from July 2 to 25 and July 11 to August 4 respectively. Connecting with a dear friend, significant other or business partner and game-planning how you can best reach joint aspirations comes naturally, and, especially once the sun is there from July 22 to August 22, you’ll also feel particularly joyful when you have more time to bond one-on-one. You’ll also have your pick of addition heartfelt, fun-loving and creative endeavors once go-getter Mars is in your romance and self-expression sector from July 20 to September 4.

Click through for more on Aquarius.

Pisces July 2024 horoscope

Pisces July 2024 horoscope

July 2024 begins with the sun moving through your romance and self-expression sector, which amplifies your ability to be spontaneous, lighthearted and creative, especially with loved ones. The July 5 new moon there is a perfect opportunity to hone in on a related wish and map out your strategy for making it a reality. Letting your heart lead the way is the key to a satisfying upshot. And from July 2 to 25, you can research new ways to bring an even greater sense of balance into your everyday life, thanks to messenger Mercury in your wellness and daily routine zone. Once relationship-oriented Venus joins from July 11 to August 4, blending your social life and your everyday chores can have you feeling more connected, fulfilled and productive! And this is the energy that you’ll carry into Leo season, once the sun is in the same sector, from July 22 to August 22. And if you’ve been wanting to tackle ambitious projects around your home or initiate important collaborations with loved ones, look to July 20 to September 4 when go-getter Mars in your home zone fuels these endeavors.

Click through for more on Pisces.

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