Your July Horoscope Predicts a Wave of Summertime Sadness, Thanks to a Full Moon

Your July Horoscope Predicts a Wave of Summertime Sadness, Thanks to a Full Moon
Your July Horoscope Predicts a Wave of Summertime Sadness, Thanks to a Full Moon

Summer is in full swing, and your July monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign kicks off in the emotional swells of Cancer season. With the sun in this sensitive water sign, everyone’s hearts are a little bit softer, so it’s important to act with a little extra compassion and care—especially with all the cosmic action happening in the first week of July.

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Retrograde season is ramping up, as illusive Neptune begins backspinning on July 2, sending us on a collective review of all the fantasies that have been replaying in our heads as of late. As it stations retrograde, it forms a lucky trine to the mental planet Mercury, filling our minds with dreamy and creative thoughts. Mercury enters flashy fire sign Leo just an hour later, so be prepared to express yourself with more confidence. On July 5, the gentle new moon in Cancer rises, encouraging everyone to nurture themselves and emotionally connect with others.

Just before amorous Venus enters flashy Leo on July 11, it’ll blow a beautiful kiss to dreamy Neptune, infusing relationships with a sense of fantasy and romance. Plan a date night! Wildcards really start flying by mid-month, as high-octane Mars meets with shock-artist Uranus in Taurus on July 16, tempting everyone to act on their chaotic impulses. This could be a good time to shake things up and break out of your comfort zone, but take time to think before making moves. Speaking of Mars, it enters busy-bodied Gemini on July 20, giving everyone the juice to tackle a million things at once.

The year’s second consecutive full moon in Capricorn hits on July 21, so now’s the time to build on whatever intentions you set for the summer and bring some goals to fruition. This marks a wrap on Cancer season, as the sun enters cheerful and confident Leo the following day. The warmth of fiery Leo season is coaxing us out of our collective crab shells, inspiring us to have some fun in the sun. On July 25, chatty Mercury heads into the thoughtful and detail-oriented sign of Virgo—one of its signs of rulership—giving our minds a sharper and more observant edge. The month wraps up with sensitive comet Chiron stationing retrograde on July 29, which can help us find healing after recent hardships.

Your July 2024 monthly horoscope for each zodiac sign

Read on for your full horoscope for the month of July 2024, according to your sun sign and/or rising sign:



Monthly Affirmation:
“Home is where I feel protected from negative energy.”

The gentle vibes of Cancer season tend to bring out your softer side, but your Aries horoscope for July 2024 is serving up an equal amount of excitement, too—so be ready to kick into gear! The new moon on July 5 hits close to home, so it’s a great time to connect with family or focus on taking care of your emotions. Both chatty Mercury and lover planet Venus start lighting up your inspired and passion-fueled fifth house during the first third of the month, so you’ll have plenty of opportunities to express your artistic side or lean into some summer flings.

Your cosmic ruler Mars is colliding with chaos-loving Uranus in your finance sector around mid-month, so avoid making any high-risk moves when it comes to money, even if it sounds like a good idea at the moment. Once Mars blasts into your communication zone on July 20, you’ll have lots of energy for socializing and taking action on your creative ideas. This comes in handy under the full moon the following day, which brings career matters to a climax. It’s time to bring a big project to fruition. The sun enters fellow fire sign Leo on July 22, bringing in a fun change of pace and putting some confidence behind any pursuits of passion. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“When I speak, other people listen with fascination.”

With go-getter Mars in your sign for the first few weeks of the month, your Taurus horoscope for July 2024 is packed with action. The new moon on July 5 opens your heart to all sorts of meaningful new social connections, so it’s a great time to start a conversation about something you’ve been yearning to talk about. Unpredictable vibes really pop off mid-month, as impulsive Mars conjuncts eccentric Uranus in your sign. You’re known for your steady and reliable approach, but you may be breaking that mold a bit now. Taking a walk on the wild side is a good thing sometimes—it keeps people on their toes!

The productive full moon on July 21 keeps that free-spirited spark in you ablaze a little longer, as it’s pushing you to embrace your higher aspirations and shake yourself out of old paradigms that may have held you back. All that adventure might tire you out by the end of the month, though—so once Leo season begins on July 22, start tending to whatever’s happening in your home life. Tackle some chores, call up your family members, and carve out some quality time to chill during these dog days of summer. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I am building the type of wealth that never runs out.”

Your cosmic ruler Mercury hits your chart’s chattiest zone as soon as the month begins, so your Gemini horoscope for July 2024 promises lots of opportunities to connect with the people around you (and your inner self, too!). The new moon on July 5 is a great time to tap into your financial situation. Make a summer budget so you can allot a little more cash to spend on the things you care about. Mercury harmonizes with lucky Jupiter in your sign a few days later, opening the door to lots of meaningful conversations and fresh philosophical ideas.

Look forward to a big boost in physical energy and motivation come July 20, when red-hot planet Mars enters your sign. The next month and a half is a fabulous time for pursuing your goals and taking decisive action on things. The full moon the following day takes you on a deep journey to your inner feelings, so let go of grudges or emotional bonds that are bogging you down. Leo season boosts your confidence in communication and allows you to shine socially (even more than you already do!), so take advantage of this gregarious and fun energy through the rest of the month. Read your full yearly 2024 horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I am blessed to be such a blessing to the world.”

The sun is shining in your sign this month, so your Cancer horoscope for July 2024 is bursting with abundance, romance, and new opportunities. Things kick off on a high note with a beautiful new moon in your sign on July 5, bringing a chance to set some powerful and heartfelt intentions around your most meaningful goals. Love planet Venus in your sign will be harmonizing with down-to-business Saturn alongside this lunation, inspiring you to commit to the things you truly value. Dreamy Neptune blows a kiss to Venus on July 11, infusing your aura with an irresistibly rose-colored haze and lighting up your imagination. Do something creative or romantic this week.

Speaking of romance, the full moon on July 21 rises in your relationship zone, inspiring you to visualize your fantasy future in love and figure out how to realistically pave the path to get there. That lunation wraps up your birthday season, and once Leo season kicks into gear, you’ll be ready to get your finances in order and tap into a more abundance-focused mindset. Allow yourself to enjoy the finer things in life and indulge in all the sensual pleasures the summer has to offer. Read your full yearly 2024 horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I reconnect with my true self whenever I feel lost.”

Your birthday season is fast approaching, so while Cancer season may be bringing a slower and sleepier vibe, your Leo horoscope for July 2024 is building up to plenty of exciting moments. You get an instant mental energy boost on July 2, when chatty planet Mercury enters your sign. You’re generating lots of ideas and you’ve got plenty to say about them, so speak up! The new moon on July 5 is a spiritual and nostalgic one, perfect for spending some time alone to reflect on things and get in tune with your heart. A few days later, Mercury in your sign vibes out with lucky Jupiter, flooding you with all sorts of exciting visions for the future.

As you approach mid-month, your aura gets a magnetic makeover thanks to beautifying planet Venus entering your sign on July 11. It’s not your birthday yet, but you can surely attract whatever it is you desire! The full moon on July 21 is the perfect time to clear clutter from your schedule and ditch any bad habits to make room for growth, because Leo season starts the very next day. It’s time to party! Through the end of the month, the sun in your sign is aspecting intense Pluto, motivating Mars, and the North Node of Destiny—so try to find a balance between taking action toward your higher path and surrendering to the universe’s plans. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I am an endless source of positive change for the world.”

Cancer season has you craving social connections and collaboration, but your Virgo horoscope for July 2024 promises plenty of action in the realms of career, romance, and spirituality too. The latter gets a boost almost immediately, as your ruling planet Mercury hits your introspective twelfth house on July 2. Your intuition is your superpower over the next few weeks, and it’ll certainly come in handy under the mystical vibes of the new moon on July 5. Do something worthwhile for your community now or be a little vulnerable and reignite the friend group chat so you can coordinate some plans.

You may feel an urge to make an unexpected move or shift your way of thinking mid-month, so go with it. Change can be a good thing, and you’re more open-minded than people give you credit for! Once motivating Mars hits your career sector on July 20, it’s go-time when it comes to professional goals and work projects. Go after what you want and use this energy boost to get ahead. Inspiration is flowing now, too, and the full moon the following day is helpful for making productive progress toward any passion projects—including romantic prospects. The month wraps up with chatty Mercury coming home to your sign on July 25. Clear-thinking reigns supreme, so use your sharp-as-a-tack mental energy to make some foolproof summer plans. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I am aligned with opportunities that bring me the most success.”

Cancer season has you pouring your heart into your work life, but your Libra horoscope for July 2024 promises plenty of time for you to put your social butterfly wings back on, too. You’ll immediately feel like fluttering about to some parties or community events, as chatty Mercury hits your friendship zone on July 2. The new moon on July 5 shifts your focus back to career matters, giving you a chance to make some meaningful moves or kick off a special project. Less than a week later, your cosmic ruler Venus joins Mercury in your collab-oriented eleventh house, so it’s a great time to network or bring new friend groups together.

Professional goals have been dominating much of your time the past month, but the full moon on July 21 puts you back in touch with your responsibilities at home, giving you a chance to take care of any lingering business. Celebrate the fun and feisty energy of Leo season the following day by going out with your crew and having some fun on the town. There’s a fateful and magical energy in the air at the end of the month, so you might make some really special connections if you put yourself out there. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“Every time I try something new, I am embarking on an adventure.”

Your Scorpio horoscope for July 2024 is opening up your heart and mind to new adventures, giving you a chance to breathe life into your summer goals and beyond. Professional plans begin to click into place, as mental planet Mercury hits your career sector on July 2, bringing more connection, communication, and ideas at work. The new moon a few days later puts you in touch with your higher-minded interests, making it a fabulous time to sign up for a class or grab a book from the library to expand your knowledge on something.

Brace for sudden twists and turns in relationships mid-month, as your ruling planet Mars is joining forces with unpredictable Uranus in your partnerships zone. You may feel like making an impulsive decision to change a dynamic with someone, and that could be a good idea—but do it with care. On July 20, motivating Mars starts pushing you to start setting stronger boundaries and cut off situations that are draining your energy. The full moon the following day rises alongside a special aspect between Mars and your cosmic co-ruler Pluto, so be ready to take action on whatever emotional truths come bubbling up to the surface. And once Leo season starts on July 22, your work life takes center stage, so step up your confidence game and be ready to steal the spotlight. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“My circumstances don’t define who I am or where I’m headed.”

The more you work through what’s weighing on your heart, the higher you can soar as you explore new adventures—and that’s what your Sagittarius horoscope for July 2024 is all about. As the month kicks off, your mind begins to wander to faraway places, but the new moon on July 5 opens up a deep connection between you and your inner self. Letting yourself be vulnerable is an admirable and impressive skill. When your sign’s ruling planet Jupiter harmonizes with mental planet Mercury a few days later, it could prompt some wonderfully deep and meaningful conversations in relationships. The people close to you can offer some interesting perspectives.

Speaking of relationships, red-hot planet Mars zooms into your partnerships zone on July 20, giving you a boost of motivation when it comes to pursuing new people or taking action to change dynamics that aren’t working for you. The full moon in industrious Capricorn the following day is great for making money moves—and because it’s peaking alongside a connection between your ruler Jupiter and romantic Venus, you might feel inspired to make some moves in love, too. The sun enters fellow fire sign Leo the next day, lighting up the confident, thrill-seeking free spirit inside of you and inspiring you to have fun. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I attract love because I am worthy of it.”

Relationships are a big part of your Capricorn horoscope for July 2024, and you’re exploring every facet of them—including the relationship you have to your own reflection. The new moon on July 5 is a great time for building more emotional connections with the people close to you, so if you’re in a partnership, use this lunar energy to turn over a new and more vulnerable leaf. If you’re single, the middle of the month is an exciting time to break out of your comfort zone and take action on your passions. Loosen up, try something new, and let people be surprised.

A rare set of back-to-back full moons light up your sign this year, and the second of the two will rise on July 21. You’ll feel much more productive and energized going into it, as motivating planet Mars hits your routine and wellness zone the day prior. Use this full moon energy to look at the role you’re playing in other people’s life and how that shapes your identity. This kind of introspective depth will serve as a helpful precursor to Leo season, as this solar transit finds the sun exploring one of the more subterranean parts of your chart. Trust your instincts and set boundaries as necessary throughout the rest of the month. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“I live every single day as though it is my last.”

There’s lots of intensity on the menu when it comes to your Aquarius horoscope for July 2024, so buckle up! Things start off on a productive note, as Cancer season is lighting up your routine-oriented sixth house, and the new moon on July 5 is a fabulous time for kicking off some healthy habits and incorporating more self-care into your daily groove. Communicative Mercury enters your relationship zone just before that and faces off with underworld-dwelling Pluto in your sign, so you may find yourself digging into suspicions or just having some deep conversations that bring the truth to the surface. Relationship planet Venus repeats this same aspect to Pluto the following week, so be careful not to let yourself get sucked into a power struggle.

Your cosmic ruler Uranus is linking up high-action Mars mid-month, which could bring some shake-ups to your home life—some of which may be quite welcome to an innovative Aquarius like yourself. Shaking up the energy in your space can be refreshing in the best way! The full moon on July 21 pulls you inward, helping you identify feelings or fears that you’ve been running from. This kind of processing is helpful when it comes to your relationships, too. Leo season hits your committed seventh house the next day, so get real about what you want out of partnerships. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.



Monthly Affirmation:
“Being able to create and express myself is a human right.”

Your imagination is filled with creative visions this month, and that’s perfect, because your Pisces horoscope for July 2024 kicks off with your dreamy cosmic ruler Neptune stationing retrograde on July 2. This subtle planetary shift could help you see your fantasies more clearly—and with artistic Venus harmonizing with committed Saturn in your sign at the same time, you may find that you’re able to start actualizing your rose-colored dreams in a more tangible way. The new moon a few days later will fill your heart with even more inspiration, so follow your passions and allow your excitement to lead the way. Keep one foot on the ground, but let your mind wander to the stars.

Keep up this mentality as you approach the middle of the month, as both the sun and Venus will blow kisses to Neptune and Saturn in your sign, giving you the intuition and focus you need to make magic happen in your creative and romantic life alike. The full moon on July 21 puts you in touch with your friend group, and it could be a fun time to attend an event with your squad and get some summer socializing in. Leo season starts the next day, and its confident energy will help you get all your clever and visionary ideas more organized. A little structure can turn your pipe dreams into something so much more. Read your full 2024 yearly horoscope here.

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