Just Musing: A spectacular sight, Christmas displays and the season for viruses

My son-in-law is in Fairbanks, Alaska, on a business trip this past week. He sent us pictures of the aurora borealis. What vivid greens, golds and purples. I really never thought of it being those colors but what a spectacular sight. God’s handiwork at its finest. Folks there don’t need to decorate for Christmas ? just enjoy that spectacular sight.

Speaking of decorating and Christmas lights, I hope folks are taking advantage of at least four drive-thru displays I’m aware of in Marion and surrounding areas ? Winter Wonderland at the Marion County Fairgrounds, Upper's Winter Fantasy of Lights at Harrison Park in Upper Sandusky, the Alum Creek light display and Lake of Lights at Salisbury Park in Kenton.

I remember my late husband and I taking our youngest grandson through the lights at the fairgrounds in Marion when he was about 3 or 4. He loved the dancing reindeer and had grandpa drive through at least four times so he could laugh and giggle each time. Sweet memories.

Sweet memories lead into sweet treats

As you bake cookies and make candies, have you thought about sharing a few with an elderly family member, neighbor or friend? When you are alone, you no longer have the need, energy or desire to do these activities again. Sharing a small plate of goodies with them could boost their spirits immensely and you will never miss those three or four cookies and handful of candy but your heart will be full.

I’ve heard of several folks who have had the flu and other respiratory illnesses in recent weeks. ‘Tis the season and will continue for several months. I personally get the flu vaccine every year and had mine in October. It’s not too late to get yours if you haven’t already. If you have small children, please get them the RSV vaccine as well.

I won’t even go into expressing my thoughts on the College Football Playoff (CFP) selection but certainly agree with U.S. Sen. Rick Scott, from Florida, who expressed his disagreement over the CFP snubbing unbeaten Florida State for a one loss team. I remember Ohio State using a third string quarterback, Cardale Jones, for its last three games and winning. Enough said.

Let me leave you with this quotation by Margaret Mead: “Never believe that a few caring people can’t change the world. For, indeed, that’s all who ever have.”

Until next week. Be kind and be safe.

Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at [email protected].

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: The aurora borealis, Christmas light displays and virus season