Kamala Harris Has Chosen Her Secret Service Code Name

From Oprah Magazine

Now that Kamala Harris is officially Joe Biden's running mate, she is under Secret Service protection—and that protection comes with a code name.

According to CNN reporter Noah Gray, Harris has chosen "Pioneer" as her call sign, likely a nod to her groundbreaking candidacy. Should Biden (whose code name is notably Celtic) win the election in November, Harris will become the first Black person, the first Indian American, and the first woman Vice President in U.S. history. A pioneer, indeed.

Traditionally, family members of presidential and VP candidates all have Secret Service code names that begin with the same letter. The Kennedys, for example, all had monikers that started with "L." "In reference to Camelot, President Kennedy was 'Lancer,' Jackie was 'Lace,' Caroline was 'Lyric,' and JFK Jr. was 'Lark,'" wrote secret service agent Clint Hill in his 2016 book, Five Presidents: My Extraordinary Journey with Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford.

Similarly, members of Donald Trump's family all have code names that begin with "M." The President's is reportedly "Mogul," Melania is "Muse," and Ivanka's is "Marvel." To further illustrate the pattern, Barack Obama's codename was "Renegade," while Michelle Obama's was "Renaissance." (Sasha and Malia were "Rosebud" and "Radiance," respectively.)

At this point, it's unclear what Harris's husband Douglas Emhoff has chosen for his call sign, but it will almost certainly start with the letter "P."

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