Kate Middleton's First Royal Duty Post-Maternity Leave Has Been Announced


Take a short break from the nightmare political news cycle happening right now, because we have some reprieve in that one of our favorite royals is finally returning to the spotlight.

Kensington Palace announced Wednesday that Kate Middleton will make her grand return to official royal visits on Tuesday, Oct. 2 at the Forest School and Wildlife Garden at Paddington Recreation Ground, and we're triple circling the date on our calendars.

In case you somehow missed it, Middleton has been out of sight lately while on maternity leave, and we've missed seeing her around.

Middleton gave birth to baby Prince Louis back in April, and the predictions that she'd be away until October turned out to be spot on.

Still, being on leave didn't mean we didn't see the Duchess of Cambridge at all. She still attended her brother-in-law Prince Harry's wedding to Meghan Markle in May (just a few weeks after giving birth, give her props). It was the quickest we've ever seen Kate after she's had a baby (obviously not including those mind-boggling post-hospital appearances).

RELATED: How Kate Middleton's Maternity Leave with Prince Louis Differs from Prince George and Princess Charlotte

With Prince George, it was six weeks after he was born before we saw Middleton again, and with Princess Charlotte, it was two entire months.

Glad to see she's getting back to it.