Kate Middleton, Prince William, Meghan Markle, and Prince Harry Are Reportedly Splitting Their Joint Charity

Photo credit: Stephen Pond - Getty Images
Photo credit: Stephen Pond - Getty Images

From Town & Country

When news broke earlier this spring that Prince Harry and Prince William's royal households would be separating, it was unclear exactly what the split would mean for the Royal Foundation, the joint charity of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, which was launched by the royal brothers in 2009.

Now, Emily Andrews of the Sun is reporting that the Sussexes plan to leave the royal foundation to pursue their own charitable initiatives.

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Buckingham Palace and Kensington Palace have yet to comment on the matter, and has yet to be confirmed by anyone involved in the Foundation, but Andrews's reporting on the matter is compelling.

"Meghan and Harry want to do things differently to William and Kate. William is the future king and so is sometimes restricted in what he can do," says a source in the piece, who also made reference to previous rumors of a personal rift between the royal brothers.

"The Sussexes want the flexibility of more commercial decisions. But the brothers’ relationship has vastly improved since their working lives have separated," the source continues.

Emily further elaborated on what these "commercial decisions" could be on Twitter.

"My interpretation for having 'commercial flexibility' was that H&M could campaign for causes, raise money, perhaps even donate money," she says.

"Eg Harry will be paid for his Apple TV wrk & he’ll donate that money to a number of mental heath charities."

In comparison, she says, William and Kate "are bound by their constitutional roles, which gives them less freedom. Harry & Meghan have more freedom so they can do more, create more and yes, they do want to change the world. They have global ambitions in a way that K&W perhaps don’t and can’t."

If this split is confirmed, don't expect the separation to happen overnight.

"The Sussexes weren't in a rush to make any changes, but the Cambridges were. However it’s a complex procedure and very sensitive," a source tells Andrews.

“Nothing will be done quickly and it’ll be a phased untangling of many of the joint initiatives, not an overnight chop.”

And the "fab four" as the younger generation of royals has come to be known, will still work together on projects in the future, like the recently launched crisis text line, Shout, Andrews reports. But they just won't be under the umbrella of the Royal Foundation.

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