No time to exercise? Try Kayla Itsines's 5-minute workout — no equipment required

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Even Kayla Itsines, an Australian personal trainer and co-creator of the Bikini Body Guides (BBG) workout program, has days when she doesn’t feel fully energized to exercise. But she doesn’t let that stop her.

Itsines tells Yahoo Life that she perks herself up by grabbing some coffee and a banana “because I know it will help me workout.”

So what is Itsines’s advice for not ditching a workout? In general, she suggests booking your workouts in your calendar “like an appointment.” And if you’re feeling a bit unmotivated, she recommends playing your favorite upbeat music or calling a friend to exercise together virtually, “to hold yourself accountable.”

I was down from 196 pounds to 138 pounds and totally happy. I can see muscles again [and] my shape is back.Sarah Hausermann, BBG program enthusiast

Now that you’re ready to workout, it’s time for Day 5 of Itsines’s 5-Day Workout Challenge created just for Yahoo Life readers. The full-body, no equipment workout is only 5 minutes long. So it’s no surprise that Itsines calls this routine “effective and efficient.”

Enjoy a free 1-month trial and a 3-month SWEAT membership for just $39 (usual price is $56), or a 6-month membership for $58.79 (usual price is $83.99.)

3 months for $39 special offer click here

6 months for $58.79 click here

Australian fitness trainer Kayla Itsines designed a 5-Day Workout Challenge for Yahoo readers that requires no equipment. (Photo: Kayla Itsines)
Australian fitness trainer Kayla Itsines designed a 5-Day Workout Challenge for Yahoo readers that requires no equipment. (Photo: Kayla Itsines)

Get an exclusive reward!

Want more workouts? Itsines is offering Yahoo Life readers an exclusive deal on the fitness app, SWEAT, which has a variety of exercise routines designed to be done at home — including Itsines’s BBG Zero Equipment program. The program features 16 weeks of workouts that you can do anytime and anywhere.

Enjoy a free 1-month trial and a 3-month SWEAT membership for just $39 (usual price is $56), or a 6-month membership for $58.79 (usual price is $83.99.)

3 months for $39 special offer click here

6 months for $58.79 click here

Ready for Day 5’s workout?

This full-body, 5-minute workout routine consists of 5 exercise moves that target your hamstrings, glutes, quads, shoulders, arms and core. The exercises include glute bridges, squats, push-ups and lunges. You’ll do each move for 30 seconds, and then repeat for two sets total.

BBG Success Story: Sarah Hausermann

“The day I decided to start with [Itsines] Bikini Body Guide… changed my life completely,” Sarah Hausermann, a mom living in Zurich, Switzerland, tells Yahoo Life. Hausermann shares that she gained “a lot of weight” — 52 pounds — during her pregnancy. “I couldn't handle my hormones during these 40 weeks — that’s why I ate a lot of junk food,” she says.

After getting the green light from her doctor, Hausermann started Itsines’s BBG Postpartum program, followed by the BBG Zero Equipment program. Seven months after giving birth, Hausermann says her pre-pregnancy clothes fit again. “I was down from 196 pounds to 138 pounds and totally happy,” Hausermann says. “I can see muscles again [and] my shape is back.”

Through “hard work and determination,” Hausermann dedicated herself to Itsines’s program. She calls the Australian personal trainer “motivating and inspiring” and describes the workouts as “fun.” “It became a passion to me,” Hausermann says.

Along with becoming more physically fit, Hausermann stopped criticizing herself and comparing her body to others. “I don't put myself under pressure anymore — how I have to look,” she says. “I stopped judging myself while eating ice cream because I know it's all about balance in life.”

She adds: “I like what I see in the mirror. I'm proud of what I achieved, and I'm feeling good in my body.”

Exclusive reward for Yahoo Life readers: Get a free 1-month trial and a 3-month SWEAT membership for just $39 (usual price is $56), or a 6-month membership for $58.79 (usual price is $83.99.)

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