Kayla Itsines Is Your Key to #FitnessGoals

Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes

From Cosmopolitan

Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes

She went from that fit Aussie on your feed to one of the most influential trainers in the world. Now Kayla Itsines - whose Bikini Body Guide (BBG) community favors strength over perfection - has launched BBG Stronger, a program of quick circuits, found in the Sweat app, which was created by her man, Tobi Pearce. She built this exclusive, total-body, seven-minute workout just for Cosmo. And it’s customizable for all levels. “For beginners who’ve never trained before, those first seven minutes are special,” says Kayla. “They make you feel like, ‘Okay, I can do this.’” Preach.

Master These Moves

Set your timer for seven minutes, and aim to complete the circuit as many times as you can before the timer goes off. Then, if you’re up for it, do seven more minutes. Repeat until you get to 28 minutes (is that a developing six-pack we see?).

1. Reverse Lung + Knee Lift

Start from standing, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Take a big step backward with left foot, bending both knees approximately 90 degrees. Your front knee should be over your ankle and your back knee should hover just off the floor.

? Straighten to standing, shifting your weight completely to right leg and bringing left knee up to your chest.

? Release left leg, bringing it down and back into reverse lunge. Alternate 12 reps per side, for a total of 24 reps each.

Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes

2. Snap Jump

Start from standing, feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. Bend at hips and knees into a crouch, placing hands on the floor right in front of feet.

? Kick both feet backward to extend legs behind you, resting on the balls of your feet

? Jump feet in toward your hands, keeping feet shoulder width apart. That’s 1 rep. Do 20 total.

Pro Tip: “Engage your core! It should be going in and out, kind of like an accordion.”

Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes

Kayla says: "When you're feeling unmotivated, ask yourself why. Have you eaten? Are you tired? Do you need water? If you actually break down the 'why' - and take care of it - you'll find yourself pushing through more often."

?3. X Mountain Climber

Start with both hands on the floor beneath your shoulders, legs straight behind you, resting on the balls of your feet.

? Keeping right foot on the floor, bring left knee into your chest toward right elbow, then return to starting position.

? Keeping your left foot on the floor, bring right knee into chest toward left elbow, then return to start. That's 1 rep. Alternate sides for 40 total.

Pro Tip: “Challenge yourself by gradually increasing speed. Keep good form - your moving leg shouldn’t drag on the floor."

Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes

Kayla says: "?I want to change women’s focus from ‘I want to look like this,’ to ‘I want to feel like this.’”

4. Side-to-Side Crunch

Start flat on your back, knees bent, right foot on floor. Rest your left ankle below right knee.

? Place your hands behind your ears and slowly lift your head and shoulder blades off floor. Twist torso to the right so that right elbow touches the floor.

? Twist torso to the left to bring right elbow across your body to left knee, keeping knee still.

? Slowly release torso back to the right, and repeat for 12 reps. Then switch legs and do 12 on the other side.

Pro Tip: "Don't lead with your head - it will make your neck hurt! Instead, engage your entire body."

Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes
Photo credit: Carlotta Moyes

This article was originally published as "#FitnessGoals" in the September 2017 issue of Cosmopolitan. Click here to subscribe to the digital edition.

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