Kendall Jenner Did Stunts With The Cast of 'Cheer' And Honestly I'm So Impressed
Good morning, Kendall Jenner did stunts with the cast of Cheer on Ellen.
Turns out Kendall was a former cheerleader at school, so she was actually shockingly good at this?
Hello, are you obsessed with Netflix's new docu-series Cheer? SAME. Like to the point where it's embarassing to my friends, my family, and frankly, to myself. But at least we're not alone! Watching/loving Cheer has become a national pastime, and apparently even the Kardashians are hooked. Which brings us to the point of this entire article: Kendall Jenner swung by Ellen and legit cheered with the cast of Cheer.
So, turns out Kendall was a cheerleader in school, and yes, there is a picture which is fully incredible:
I mean, HER FORM.
Anyway, Kendall's obsessed with Cheer just like the rest of us, and after telling Ellen how much she loves everyone on the show—SURPRISE!—Morgan rolled out with a cheerleading costume for Kendall to change into, and then literally convinced her to perform a stunt that looked like this:
Watch the full clip below because it's A DAMN DELIGHT.
Petition for Kendall to join the cast of Cheer asap, thx. And P.S. if you're wondering about a second season of this beloved show, go ahead and get a full run-down of where it stands over here. P.P.S. If you wanna know where the cast is now, go ahead and get updated on your faves right this way.
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