Kevin Bacon Has the Most Fitting Way of Trying to Win Over ‘Moody’ Alpaca

Did you know that actor Kevin Bacon and his wife Kyra Sedgwick have a farm in Connecticut? The Footloose Farmer has goats, alpacas, horses, and two black and white pigs. The couple calls all of the animals that live there their "second family" and share funny videos of things that happen with the animals there.

Kevin shared a video on Friday, January 2nd inside his barn with his three alpacas. He starts off by telling us that they're a "moody bunch", and that two of them - Electra and Kate - are friendly, but the one staring at him named Sharona has never given him the time of day. Can you guess what he does to try to win her over?

Pretty fitting way of trying to woo her, right? @Kevin grabbed his guitar and started singing "My Sharona" by The Knack...with some changed words so it was more personalized to her, of course. And the end is the best - even after getting serenaded by a famous movie star, the feisty alpaca still didn't want anything to do with him! Kevin's fans went crazy over the video and left nearly 9 thousand comments. @faance said, "Kevin Bacon playing 'My Sharona' on a ukulele to an alpaca named Sharona is what I needed today." @Kristen agreed, "I never thought I’d live in a world where Kevin bacon is in a barn serenading alpacas but I’m so glad I’m here LOL!"

Related: Kevin Bacon Steps up To Try and Help Find a Runaway Pig Named After Him

Alpacas As Pets

Now if you're like me, you might be thinking that you need an alpaca or two in your yard. Obviously the first thing to know is that they need space to roam, but there are other things to consider as well.

Alpacas are known for their friendly temperament, they're relatively quiet, and they are not stinky animals (like cows). They form strong bonds with their humans and are kid friendly. If you've got the room and are okay with dealing with the special diet they require, then one might make a great pet.

However, alpacas like to be in groups, so now you've got to consider getting two or three of them. They are friendly but they're also shy, so if you have a busy household with kids and pets running around (especially aggressive ones), alpacas aren't going to be comfortable with that. They also aren't cuddly creatures, and so if you're looking for a pet you can pet, an alpaca might not be it. That being said, once they trust you, they will tolerate you touching them, but will never enjoy being cuddled.

I have extended family that had alpacas, and they were fun to interact with and the dogs enjoyed chasing them around the farm too. They seemed to be pretty cool pets but do your own research if you're actually considering getting one. I think I'll just stick to watching Kevin Bacon and his alpacas instead of getting one of my own.

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