Kevin Hart Reveals He’s Temporarily Wheelchair-Bound After Race With Ex-NFL Star

Kevin Hart has revealed the reason he’s temporarily confined to a wheelchair.

The comedian took to Instagram on Wednesday to explain that he was recently “forced to respect” his age after an athletic dare with former NFL star Stevan Ridley left him critically injured. Addressing his 178 million followers with a humble video, Hart began: “Well. You know it’s gonna be bad. Anytime someone starts off by saying, ‘well,’ it’s bad.”

The Hart to Hart host then filled his fans in on how he got injured.

“Now, I don’t want you to be alarmed, but I’m in a wheelchair," he said. Hart attributed his injury to trying to act younger than his age. Notoriously quick on his feet, he and the ex-Patriots running back got into a discussion about who was faster. Ridley and Hart agreed to race a 40-yard dash, and trouble began.

“Guys, I blew all my shit,” Hart surmised. “I tore my lower abdomen, my [hip] abductors. I don’t even know what that is, but I tore them.

“I can’t walk. Sit my ass down. This is 44.”

According to Hart, he’ll be in the chair for around six to eight weeks. “Ladies and gentlemen, the age 40 is real,” the funny man intoned seriously. “It’s not a game. Respect that age, or that age will make you respect it. I was just forced to respect it.”

Ridley quickly took to his own Instagram to post a rebuttal on his Stories. “I saw @tombrady do it at your age so I figured you had the joice [sic] too big bro,” Ridley wrote in all caps. “My bad…Heal up and [keep] making us all laugh!”