Khloé Kardashian Actually Deletes Controversial Instagram Post After Backlash

Well, we didn't see this coming. After being called out for endorsing a meal replacement shake on Instagram, Khloé Kardashian has now deleted the controversial post.

"Oh look. Khloe deleted her diet shake post," she wrote. "There is hope after all..."

Jamil, who has been an outspoken body positivity activist, commented on Khloé's latest meal replacement shake post, calling on her to stop promoting the "non-FDA approved product" and to "own up to the fact that you have a personal trainer, nutritionist, probable chef, and a surgeon to achieve your aesthetic, rather than this laxative product."

Jamil isn't the only who who has called the Kardashians out for the ads — fans have also expressed disappointment that the family has been promoting products which registered dietitian Tracy Lockwood Beckerman told InStyle can cause side effects like "diarrhea, uncomfortable headaches and drastic shifts."

"These shakes are beyond dangerous to promote to society," she told us.

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Tea, for lack of a better word. #CommentsByCelebs

A post shared by Comments By Celebs (@commentsbycelebs) on Mar 21, 2019 at 4:28am PDT

In a New York Times piece published after Jamil's comments went viral, Khloé responded to the actress's critiques, saying that she's never had a chef, posts her workouts on social media, and is aware that not everyone has the privilege to live her lifestyle.

“Well, listen, I am showing you what to do, silly person, 15 repetitions, three times, here’s the move,” she said.

RELATED: Jameela Jamil Has Nearly 200k People Backing Her Crusade Against Celebrity-Sponsored Diet Products