Khloe Will Probably Stay With Tristan Tristan

Photo credit: Instagram/KhloeKardashian
Photo credit: Instagram/KhloeKardashian

From Seventeen

  • Khloe Kardashian will allow Tristan Thompson into the delivery room when she gives birth despite cheating scandal.

  • Khloe believes the "bond between father and child [that] can be cemented in the delivery room" is more important than anything.

  • She'll reportedly try to make things work after giving birth because she's a hopeless romantic.

  • Khloe may still believe he's a good guy with a good heart.

Tristan Thompson was booed at his basketball game last night - and understandably so. Whether your a fan of Keeping Up With the Kardashians or more of a basketball junkie, it's pretty much universally accepted that cheating on your 9-months-pregnant girlfriend with multiple women (allegedly) is a pretty trash thing to do.

Now, the question is: Is Khloe Kardashian going to boo Tristan right out of her life?

Right now, she's understandably focused on giving birth to a healthy baby - but does that mean she wants Tristan as far away from her as possible so that she doesn't fly into a fit of rage over his infidelity? Or does she want to set the drama aside and have him close by for support despite everything?

Looks like Khloe is taking the latter approach.

TMZ is reporting that Khloe has no intention of barring Tristan from the delivery room when she gives birth in the coming days.

"Khloe's devastated by the recent revelations, but understands the importance of the birth in the lives of everyone involved," TMZ revealed. "We're told Khloe doesn't want her personal feelings to ruin one of the most important moments in a person's life ... the birth of a child. Khloe's putting her feelings on hold, realizing for better or worse Tristan is the father of their child and knowing a bond between father and child can be cemented in the delivery room."

But what about AFTER Khloe gives birth? Will she be able to set her feelings aside even after she's no longer concerned about stress affecting her delivery?

While it's likely Khloe and Tristan will have a lot to work on, those close to the situation don't think Khloe will leave the NBA star. According to People, Khloe is too much of a hopeless romantic to give up on their relationship.

"She's a hopeless romantic and she'll try to make this work," the source told People. "She tried forever to make it work with Lamar [Odom]. She's having a child with Tristan, and she's going to try to rebuild this."

In the end, it's Tristan's indiscretion that hurt Khloe more than anything.

"Khloé could probably convince herself to get over the fact that he maybe, kind of, sort of, hooked up with some groupie while out on the road. But being so indiscreet about it and letting it get splashed all over the place and having it humiliate her? That's actually even worse," the source continued.

While Khloe has a history of trying to make things work with her SO, for better or worse, the source thinks this time could maybe be different.

"Khloé spent so much time with Lamar just excusing away the obvious, turning a blind eye to what was so clearly happening, that it would be impossible for her not to feel like a fool if she made the same sort of mistakes again and just ignored that N.Y.C footage," the source continued. "That's not the way a man deeply in love with the mother of his child behaves. It's just not. And Khloé can't lie to herself and tell herself otherwise."

It comes down to Khloe having a big heart and wanting to see the best in everyone.

"She's a big believer in knowing someone's back story and understanding how it motivates them," the source continued. "With Lamar, her heart broke for everything he'd been through in the past, losing his mom and his grandma and his baby boy, and she used that as a justification for why he struggled so much with addiction and cheating. She's got a big heart - too big sometimes."

And that's why she believed Tristan when it came to the sketchy timeline with his ex, Jordan Craig, who gave birth to Tristan's son two months AFTER he started dating Khloe.

"With Tristan, she believed his back story that he was never even that committed to her or in love with Jordan, and that he'd never meant to be with Jordan long-term," the source explained. "Khloé let herself believe that he's a really good guy with a good heart. She might still believe that, honestly."

In the end, Khloe's future baby is the one thing helping her get through this emotional time. "The only thing Khloe can do now is focus on her baby," the source said. "What's happened over the last 24 hours changes a lot of things, but it doesn't change everything: It doesn't change that Khloé has dreamed of becoming a mom, already loves her baby so much, and that soon her dream is going to come true. She can't wait to meet her little girl, can't wait to hold her, and so for right now, the focus is just on getting to that day as safely and healthily as possible."

Noelle Devoe is the Entertainment Editor at Follow her on Twitter and Instagram!

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