Kim Fires Off at Donda's House Foundation

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Photo credit: Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

The recent drama involving Drake's quickly released diss track aimed at Pusha T and Kanye has just gotten even more complicated, and now involves Kim Kardashian herself, and another, Chicago-based rapper named Rhymefest.

If you've been on Twitter recently, you've likely seen Kim firing off a series of tweets about Rymefest and Donda's House - a charity named after Kanye's late mom. It's... complicated. But here are the details.

You’re welcome. 🦉

A post shared by champagnepapi (@champagnepapi) on May 25, 2018 at 6:08pm PDT

After Drake posted an invoice to Pusha T on his Instagram (for "promotional assistance and career reviving"), Rhymefest - who's also Kanye's friend - got involved on Twitter. The rapper tweeted at Drake to ask that when Kanye's label sends the $100,000 requested in the (probably fake) invoice, please send some to him so he can revive Donda's House because Kanye no longer cares about it. Rhymefe wrote that Kanye specifically said "fuck the youth of Chicago," which, yikes.

To clarify what this means so far, Donda's House is the Chicago foundation named after Kanye's late mom, Dr. Donda West. Kanye put his buddy Rhymefest in charge of it years ago, which is why Rhymefest was asking Drake for money for the charity. This Rhymefest/Kanye drama all became public recently, when Donda's House released a statement regarding Kanye's pro-Trump tweets.

"We ask that those who feel hurt, angered by or frustrated with Kanye West not penalize or throw away their support, respect and advocacy for us," the statement reads. It continues: "We ask that as you boycott and protest Kanye West, that you not forget that we are a non-profit organization that like other non-profits needs donations, corporate support and volunteers."

As reported by Rolling Stone, one of the foundation's current projects is re-constructing Kanye's childhood home into a recording studio, museum, and learning space. But Donda's House said Kanye hasn't been delivering on his promises of "financial support" lately. If you'll remember, Kanye is reportedly very, very broke and in a lot of debt.

Which brings us back to why Rhymefest was hitting Drake up for fake invoice money on Twitter. Got all that? Yes? Ok. On to Kim's sudden entrance into all of this.

Kim began tweeting at Rhymefest on Saturday, accusing him of all sorts of fun things from wearing fake Yeezy's to being unable to manage Donda's House. She writes that Rhymefest just saw Kanye in the studio recently and could've spoken to him then, instead of @-ing Drake for money he doesn't yet have (and never will? it's a fake invoice, guys!!). She polished the whole thing off with a delightful burn and issued an apology to her followers for flooding their timeline, especially if they have "no idea who Rhymefest is."

Khloe also appears to have gotten in on it, tweeting, "Misery loves company… people can’t stand for someone else to flourish and be happy. Nowadays people thrive off ones downfall rather than their success. Sadly." Kim retweeted it, if you need any proof as to what that's about.

Guys I'm sorry this is a whole lot. But there's more.

After the barrage of Kim tweets, Rhymefest issued a statement, which he tweeted at her. "How can you criticize an organization that you've never physically been to or that you've never even talked to the Executive Director or any of the team," he wrote. "At this point, if you and Kanye want us to dissolve the organization so you can do the work, we welcome that, in spite of you and Kanye's lack of interest or support."

There's a lot of stupidity involved with doing this on Twitter. But one of the stupidest things about it is how glaringly public it is, which invited actual Chicagoans to weigh in on what they think of this mess. A lot of users who live in Chicago defended Rhymefest and his work with Donda's House, saying they see him doing the work and that Kim's accusations are totally wrong.

This is almost over, I swear. Donda's House released a statement late Saturday night to announce it would be changing its name and severing ties with Kim and Kanye.

"Due to recent events that have occurred over the last 48 hours, we have decided to no longer use the name Donda's House Inc." the statement reads. "This has been an incredibly difficult decision but the social media quotes from Kim Kardashian West, as well as the expressed interest of her family running the organization, has brought us to this decision."

Kim logged on one more time (God willing) to further defend Kanye and her barrage of tweets that got her fully severed from an organization that does charity work for youth in Chicago. She again accused Rhymefest of poorly running Donda's House and failing to come up with money to fund salaries. She referenced Kanye's financial troubles and said that's why he hasn't been delivering on his promises of money for the foundation's ongoing projects.

"I have and will always applaud any efforts to give back to the community," Kim wrote. "To fight for justice and to help uplift the youth. But I will never tolerate someone who was close to Kanye who attempts to use his late mother’s name to publicly shame him while pretending to do good."

Kim polished the entire thing off with what will HOPEFULLY be the last of her tweets on the subject: "I will always ride for my man!"

THERE YOU HAVE IT. Nearly 1,000 words of summarized drama. It's worth noting that Kanye, someone who has usually has just so much to say on Twitter, has been silent throughout this whole thing.

Follow Hannah on Twitter.

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