Kim Kardashian Dragged for 'Tone Deaf' Post Promoting Wellness Procedure

Kim Kardashian is getting criticism from fans after posting about a preventative procedure available mostly to the wealthy, due to its price point.

In a new Instagram upload, The Kardashians star shared a duo of images where she sported a dark grey-colored set of medical scrubs, along with white slippers, posing on the bed portion of the large machinery as the scanner part appeared nearby.

"I recently did this @prenuvo scan and had to tell you all about this life saving machine. The Prenuvo full-body scan has the ability to detect cancer and diseases such as aneurysms in its earliest stages, before symptoms arise. It was like getting a MRI for an hour with no radiation," the 42-year-old explained in the caption, before adding, "It has really saved some of my friends lives and I just wanted to share."

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She also made sure to specify that the post was "#NotAnAd," likely in an attempt to provide a bit more credibility to her recommendation.

Prenuvo is a "comprehensive whole body MRI scan" that uses "proprietary cutting-edge acquisition techniques, and unique analytic software to make early and accurate diagnoses," according to its website.

Though Kardashian may have been sharing the information in an attempt to provide a helpful resource, many of her social media followers took issue with her promotion of the advanced technology due to the cost associated with receiving the services—which range from $999 to $2,499 depending on the body area.

"I wish this was affordable for everyone especially when families are struggling just to buy groceries," one reflected, as another lamented, "Another very tone deaf post from a Kardashian?????♀?."

A third followed up with a similar sentiment, writing, "If only it was affordable and accessible to the average person. As usual you’re disconnected from the average Americans realities," and a fourth joked, "Kim we can’t afford eggs."

Two more disgruntled Instagram users chimed in, adding, "We’re so happy for you being able to afford such WONDERFUL preventative care that the average American can’t ??" and "The fact that this exists but people die because they can’t afford it.??"

Someone else included a disparaging reality: "It’s horrendous that 'life saving' care is only available to the extremely wealthy. Most don’t have thousands to spend on a scan, and have to wait for an MRI or CT to diagnosis, which puts more financial and emotional strain on low income families."

Yet another suggested, "Kim read the room," as an additional follower simply expressed disappointment with, "Lifesaving the one percenters...sigh."

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