Kit Harington Gets Shamed with Doughnuts 'Game of Thrones'-Style in 'SNL' Video

Septa Unella is played by none other than Leslie Jones.

It’s hard to believe the final season of Game of Thrones is almost here, and plenty of brands and companies are getting in the spirit, from Oreos to Mountain Dew. This weekend’s Saturday Night Live episode also promises to be GOT-heavy, with Jon Snow himself, aka Kit Harington, as host (along with musical guest Sara Bareilles). In a promotional clip for his upcoming gig, Harington and cast member Leslie Jones star in a dramatic recreation of a famous scene from the HBO series—and it involves doughnuts.

We start off with Jones dressed as Hodor; then, destroying The Wall (made out of bubble wrap) with a dragon hand puppet; and eventually, decked out in full Daenerys Targaryen gear. She’s sitting on a throne and asking Kit Harington—dressed in a pseudo-Night’s Watch uniform that involves a cape and oven mitts—to bend the knee. He refuses, and asks what they’re doing—“This is my fantasy!” she replies—and then says he’s done, since he’s been there for four hours. “What are you going to do?” he asks. And she ominously replies “Oh, you’re about to see what I’m going to do.”

The punishment, as it turns out, is a reenactment of the infamous “shame” scene from the show’s season five finale, where Cersei is made to walk through King’s Landing, naked and with a shorn head, as people heckle her and Septa Unella chants “shame” repeatedly. Jones ends up playing the Septa, and Harington is Cersei, in a nude suit with a short wig on. They walk as Harington is pelted with doughnuts—“are those doughnuts?” he asks incredulously—and Jones says “I love doughnuts, Jon Snow!”

“My name's Kit,” he protests. She replies “No it’s not, not today it ain’t.”

After he asks to meet Lorne (Michaels), Jones ultimately makes Harington eat a doughnut, and then the camera pans off to her singing that Harrington and Bareilles will be this week’s guests. And if this promo is anything to go by, we’re in for a treat.