What You Need to Know About Donnatal (Belladonna/Phenobarbital)

Medically reviewed by Sonal Kumar, MDFact checked by Nick BlackmerMedically reviewed by Sonal Kumar, MDFact checked by Nick Blackmer

Donnatal is a type of drug called an anticholinergic and is actually a combination of two drugs: belladonna and phenobarbital. It is used to relax the muscles in the bladder and the intestines as well as to reduce stomach acid. It’s also important to know that phenobarbital is a mild sedative.

Other brand names are Phenohytro and Quadrapax. Note that, according to the drug’s label, “This drug has not been found by FDA to be safe and effective, and this labeling has not been approved by FDA.”

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The Habit-Forming Potential of Donnatal

Phenobarbital can be habit-forming. Donnatal may not be an appropriate treatment for people who have been dependant on other drugs. Before taking donnatal, talk to your healthcare provider if you have had difficulty with drug dependence or alcoholism in the past. Being chemically dependant on a drug means that there are physiologic reactions when the drug is withdrawn.

How It’s Taken

Donnatal should be taken one or two tablets three or four times a day according to condition and severity of symptoms. It should never be taken at the same time as antacids, as antacids can decrease the absorption of Donnatal.

Why It’s Prescribed

Donnatal is used to treat irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). It may be prescribed for other conditions as well.

What to Do After Missing a Dose

If you miss a dose, take it as soon as you remember. If it’s close to the time for the next dose, just take that dose. Don’t double up, or take more than one dose at a time.

Who Should Not Take Donnatal

Before taking Donnatal, tell a healthcare provider if any of these conditions are occurring now or have occurred in the past:

  • Glaucoma

  • Obstructed urinary flow

  • Obstructive disease of the gastrointestinal tract

  • Conditions that affect motor activity of the bowel, such as paralytic ileus

  • Unstable cardiovascular status in acute hemorrhage

  • Severe ulcerative colitis, especially with toxic megacolon

  • Myasthenia gravis

  • Hiatal hernia associated with reflux esophagitis

  • Hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients

Potential Side Effects of Donnatal

There are many adverse reactions to Donnatal, including but not limited to blurred vision, difficulty in urination, decreased sweating, nervousness, musculoskeletal pain, vomiting, headache, nausea, constipation, and weakness. Long-term use might reduce milk production in nursing mothers. If these symptoms occur after taking Donnatal, seek medical attention immediately. In addition, take care to stay hydrated while taking this drug, particularly in hot weather, because it can cause dehydration.

Medications That Can Interact With Donnatal

Donnatal can interact with several drugs. Tell the prescribing healthcare provider about all drugs and nutritional supplements you are taking, especially those from the following list, which may interact with Donnatal.

  • Antacids

  • Antispasmodics

  • Barbiturates

  • Blood-thinning drugs, such as Coumadin

  • Cimetidine (Tagamet)

  • Diarrhea medications containing kaolin or attapulgite

  • Hormonal contraceptives

  • Lanoxin (digitalis)

  • Opioids

  • Potassium chloride

  • Prednisone

  • Reglan (metoclopramide)

  • Sedatives

  • Sedating antihistamines, such as chlorpheniramine

  • Some antidepressants (tricyclics and monoamine oxidase inhibitors)

  • Thiazide diuretics

Potential Food Interactions

Consuming alcohol while taking Donnatal could increase the sedative effect and cause tiredness or sleepiness. Take care to avoid alcohol from unexpected sources, such as over-the-counter cough suppressants or cold products (Nyquil, for example).

Safety During Pregnancy

Donnatal can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman. Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with Donnatal.

Donnatal should be avoided during pregnancy. Women should call their healthcare provider upon becoming pregnant while taking Donnatal. The potential for serious side effects in an infant should be weighed against the usefulness of the medication to the mother.

Potential Sexual Side Effects

Donnatal can cause impotence in men, and it may also decrease the effectiveness of birth control pills.

A Word From Verywell

Donnatal can be helpful in relieving pain or discomfort for people who are living with bowel and bladder conditions. However, it does carry a risk of dependency, which may mean that it is not a good choice for people who have experienced chemical dependency in the past. This drug is usually prescribed to be taken when it is needed, such as after a meal. In the beginning, it may be helpful to take this drug at night to see if it causes a sedative effect. Once the potential side effects are better understood, it may be possible to take this drug at other times if it doesn’t cause drowsiness.

Read the original article on Verywell Health.