What to know about sunscreen, sunburn and skin cancer

As per the Center of Disease Control nearly 6 million people are treated for skin cancer each year in the United States. Skin cancer can be serious, expensive, and sometimes even deadly. Fortunately, most skin cancers can be prevented.

We all need some sun exposure. When skin is exposed to the sun, our bodies make vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium for stronger, healthier bones. However, it only takes a little time in the sun for most people to get the vitamin D they need (and most vitamin D needs should be met with a healthy diet and/or supplements).

Excessive sun exposure is harmful

Excessive unprotected exposure to the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays can cause skin damage, eye damage, immune suppression, and skin cancer. Even people in their twenties can develop skin cancer. Ultraviolet (UV) rays—from the sun or from artificial sources like tanning beds—are known to cause skin cancer. Damage from exposure to UV rays builds up over time, so sun protection should start at an early age. Cloud coverage may protect us from sunburn but will not protect us from the damaging effects of the UV rays that provoke skin cancer.

So how do we protect our skin? Per the American Academy of Dermatology:

  • If possible we should avoid direct exposure to the sun for prolonged periods of time especially between 10:00 am and 2:00 pm. Plan activities in the shade during that time.

  • Use protective clothing and wear a wide brimmed hat to protect your neck scalp and ears. Use UV protection sunglasses to protect or eyes.

  • Use broad spectrum UVA and UVB sunscreen with SPF (Sun Protection Factor) 30 or higher at least 20 minutes before going outdoors and repeat application at least every 2 hours if not sooner if we are going into water and then toweling ourselves.

Which is the best sunscreen to use?

Recently concerns have been raised about the absorption of oxybenzone, one of the products used in sunscreens. While further research is needed to understand the effects of this absorption, it is imperative that we continue to use sunscreens and for us to choose titanium dioxide and zinc oxide based sunscreens especially for children.

Best way to manage sunburn

  • If only redness is present a cool bath and ibuprofen with some application of over the counter hydrocortisone is fine after consulting with your doctor.

  • Any blistering sunburn must be evaluated by the doctor as soon as possible.

Ramindra Walia, MD is a pediatrician and Chief Medical Officer at UCFS Healthcare and a trained dermatologist

This article originally appeared on Gardner News: Reduce the risk of skin cancer with these tips