Konjac For Weight Loss: Slim With Konjac Noodles, Jelly and More

Natural health guru Kellyann Petrucci, ND, has made a name for herself with powerful cleanses that slim and heal. “But I’m always looking for ways to make them even more powerful,” she says. “So I began researching konjac, a root that grows in Asia. I quickly realized its incredible health and weight-loss benefits.” After adding powdered konjac root to her signature soups and smoothies, “I had some patients help me test it. We were all amazed.” Women can now use her konjac for weight loss detox to drop up to 11 pounds in five days while triggering effortless, ongoing fat loss.

Bonus: Konjac root turbocharges any diet. “In one study, people lost significant weight without changing their eating habits at all,” notes the bestselling author of Dr. Kellyann’s Cleanse and Reset. “And there’s additional evidence that konjac improves skin, blood sugar, cholesterol and digestion. No matter how you use it, you end up looking and feeling your absolute best!” Keep reading to discover how you can harness konjac for weight loss.

What is konjac?

Eaten in Japan for hundreds of years, konjac is a type of yam most commonly used in the U.S. to make shirataki noodles like Miracle Noodles and Pasta Zero. It’s also available as a supplement called glucomannan that sells for about 5 cents a dose and can be blended into liquids and baked goods.

Dr. Kellyann says both the noodles and the soup are getting a lot of attention these days thanks to keto dieters. “Konjac compounds are so hard for us to break down that we barely absorb any carbs or calories from them,” she explains. An entire package of konjac noodles has negligible carbs and just 20 calories. “They’re basically a free food on keto or any diet. And the supplement is a zero-cal, zero-carb way to make ordinary foods extraordinary.”

How to use konjac for weight loss

Turns out, the special fiber in konjac acts like a sponge in the digestive tract, sopping up liquids and reducing the absorption of carbs and cholesterol. Adds Dr. Kellyann: Konjac fiber “grabs on to three times more fat in your GI tract than everyday fiber does.” So you can simply eat konjac with other foods—like your favorite holiday treats!—and many of the calories won’t count.

There’s more: As konjac takes on liquid, it becomes a thick gel that moves slowly through our systems, creating a lasting feeling of fullness. That’s because it’s rich in resistant starch, a type of fiber that ferments as it digests. This releases slimming compounds that are proven to speed fat burn 25%, per research in the Journal of AOAC International. Plus, this gel gets in the body’s way as it tries to turn carbs into sugar, a factor that prevents blood-sugar spikes and cravings. “You automatically want less food and end up cutting calories without any sense of deprivation,” explains Dr. Kellyann.

How konjac improves gut health

Dr. Kellyann’s favorite benefit of konjac for weight loss? “The gel formed by konjac root soothes the gut lining, allowing it to heal. We now know that an inflamed gut—which is caused by junk food and stress—leads to body wide inflammation and is one of the biggest causes of weight gain and many other health problems,” she says. “Soothe your gut, and you set yourself up for weight control and wellness over the long haul.” Dr. Kellyann adds that konjac is a perfect detox ingredient because its fiber actually attaches to toxins and helps get them out of your system. “It’s like a conveyor belt,” she says. “Get more konjac in your system, and the toxins and excess fat come out!”

Konjac for weight loss success story: Lorrie Kempf, 54

Lorrie Kempf, 54, first discovered Dr. Kellyann on a PBS documentary and has been a fan ever since. So when the California artist went overboard on comfort food and found herself gaining weight quickly, she turned to the pro’s upgraded cleanse. “I had already tried cutting back at meals and exercising, but it just wasn’t happening. So I ordered a cleanse kit from Dr. Kellyann’s website so I didn’t have to do a lot of planning, shopping or prep. I looked at it as a tool to get me back on track fast,” she shares. “You get konjac four times a day in the shakes, smoothies and soups, and it really does make you feel so satisfied.”

Weight poured off, too—up to two pounds every day. She was back in her skinny jeans in less than a week. “My skin was glowing, I was reenergized and I was even less stressed,” she says. “I was feeling more like my best self again. This is something you can do for yourself that’s so quick and easy. In just five short days, you’ll feel great and ready to take on the world!”

Konjac for weight loss before and after: Patti Johnson, 61

Years of stress eating left Patti Johnson at 288 pounds and struggling with high blood pressure and cholesterol, a fatty liver and hormonal issues. “I also needed so much insulin to control my diabetes, it made weight loss very difficult. I felt run-down and miserable,” recalls the Kansas retiree, 61. Luckily, she heard about konjac-based noodles—and a Miracle Noodle newsletter led her to keto. “Combine the two, and no other diet comes close to making you feel as satisfied,” shares Patti, who loves konjac noodle soup and casseroles. “And you can’t beat the results.” In 20 months, she weighed in at 130 pounds. “When you nourish your body the right way, amazing things are possible!”

Konjac for weight loss 5-day cleanse

For those motivated to lose quickly, Dr. Kellyann recommends a konjac-spiked keto cleanse like this. Konjac needs fluid to work, so be sure to drink lots of water. After five days, gradually expand menus with natural, low-carb foods. Find convenient smoothie, shake and soup mixes at DrKellyann.com; you can also get konjac noodle detox soup at MiracleNoodle.com. Always get a doctor’s okay to try a new plan.

Lemon water

Upon waking, sip water (either room temperature or warm) with the juice of 1?2 lemon. Dr. Kellyann says this provides nutrients that boost fat burning and prompt the release of bloat.

Super green smoothie

Blend 1 cup greens, 1 cup water, 2 Tbs. nut butter or MCT oil, 1 scoop collagen, 1?2 tsp. glucomannan powder (such as Now Foods brand), stevia, spices and ice to taste. Enjoy two daily.

Keto detox shake

Blend 1 scoop collagen, 1 cup unsweetened nut milk, 1?2 cup frozen berries, 2 Tbs. unsweetened cocoa, stevia, cinnamon and ice to taste. Enjoy once daily.

Bonus recipe: Rich and creamy detox soup

Each comforting bowlful warms your soul as it slims. Makes 2 servings.


  • 3 cups vegetable broth

  • 1 cup diced veggies, such as bok choy and bell pepper

  • 1 pkg. shirataki noodles

  • 1 cup coconut milk

  • Juice of 1?4 lemon

  • 1?2 tsp. ginger

  • 1?4 tsp. salt

  • 4 oz. cooked chicken breast


  1. In soup pot, heat vegetable broth; add veggies.

  2. As veggies simmer, rinse noodles under running water for 2 minutes. (Dr. Kellyann says it’s normal for the noodles to smell a little funky until rinsed.)

  3. Add noodles and remaining ingredients to pot.

  4. Simmer until noodles are just heated through.

Learn more about how fiber can help you lose weight:

Top MD: These ‘Invisible Carbs’ Lower Blood Sugar + Speed Fat Burn — Shortcut Recipes Make It Easy to Benefit
Prebiotics for Weight Loss: How the Fiber Is Helping Women Over 50 Get Slim Faster
These Viral Baked Oats Are Packed With a Filling Fiber That Makes Weight Loss Easy + Delicious

This content is not a substitute for professional medical advice or diagnosis. Always consult your physician before pursuing any treatment plan.

This article originally appeared in our print magazine.