Kourtney Kardashian Spilled Her Signature Salad Recipe On Poosh

Photo credit: Poosh
Photo credit: Poosh

From Delish

This week, Kourtney Kardashian launched Poosh, a lifestyle website featuring content including family recipes, guidance from Khloe's nutritionist, decor tips, and interviews-the first of which is Kourtney talking to her mom, Kris Jenner, about what it takes to be a boss. Naturally, we were curious to see what kind of things Kourt had to say about her kitchen (which is notoriously gluten- and dairy-free). Turns out, it's easier to eat like a Kardashian than you may have thought.

She Has A Signature Salad

The Kardashians' salad bowls are essentially a side character on the show at this point, but Kourt's got her own signature salad too. The recipe is surprisingly easy: hard-boiled eggs, avocado, tomato, mozzarella, olive oil, salt, and pepper.

...And A Go-To Breakfast Shake

Anything with just three ingredients sounds like a solid breakfast routine to me. Kourtney's breakfast shake is made with avocado, coconut milk, and Manuka honey or dates. She eats hers with a spoon, in case you were wondering! For her kids, she makes a berry smoothie with berries, banana, spinach, bone broth powder, probiotics, coconut yogurt, and dairy-free milk.

She's Into Organic Wine

If you've ever heard Kourt comment on something not being organic on KUWTK, this will come as no surprise to you. In a post about organic wines to try, the Poosh team explains that organic wines have less sulfur dioxide, which could lessen your hangover. They're made without non-natural additives like chemical fertilizers and herbicides, too. Amazingly, a few of the recs aren't crazy-expensive-this Chateau De Breze is $21 a bottle.

04.02.19 #pooshtheboundaries

A post shared by Poosh (@poosh) on Mar 26, 2019 at 12:00pm PDT

Her Morning Tea Sounds Amazing

No green tea with lemon here-Kourt's apple tea has plenty of spices and herbs, including mint, cardamom, and cinnamon. The Kardashian family's baby nurse introduced the recipe to the fam, and per Poosh, Kendall and Kris are big fans of the immune-boosting mix, too.

She's Still All About Eating Gluten-Free

While Kourtney's mentioned loosening the reins on her no-gluten, no-dairy lifestyle before, she's still sharing a good amount of GF recipes, including gluten-free nachos and coconut chicken tenders. In Poosh's "About Us" section, the editors even write: "Living a healthy life doesn’t mean you must forgo a juicy burger (gluten bun and all)."

She Recommends Eating Without Your Phone

Okay, this one doesn't come straight from the horse's mouth, but something tells me Kourt tries to implement this habit, too. In a Poosh post about daily habits that help you lead a more mindful life, Poppy Jane, founder of the app 'Happy Not Perfect,' recommends ditching the social media scroll during lunch.

"You end up eating mindlessly and usually forget to hear the signs to say that you’re full," she wrote. "Eating undistracted and really focusing on the taste and texture of your food will help you enjoy and appreciate the yummy nutrients so much more."

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