Kristin Cavallari skinny-shamed over bikini photos: 'Holy skin and bones'

Kristin Cavallari is receiving body-shaming comments online after sharing photos from her photo shoot for her Uncommon James jewelry range.

The former Laguna Beach star models pieces from her line in the Mexico-based shoot, which she shared on Instagram on Wednesday. And while much of the feedback has been positive, with fans and celebrity pals gushing over her pale blue bikini and a topless shot showing off a pair of belted white bottoms.

But some commenters are taking a more negative view, accusing the mom of three of being “too skinny.”

“When eating ‘healthy’ makes you look sick, maybe it's time to eat a little unhealthy,” read one body-shaming comment. “A grown woman with the body of a 10-year-old boy is not normal and it never will be. Just think, the camera adds 10 pounds, so in person she must really look like she's on her death bed.”

“Holy skin and bones!” another commenter wrote.

“OMG looking hungry as always,” someone slammed the Paradise Hotel host. “F****** Skeletor. Why would anyone buy your cookbook? You don’t even eat. It’s pretty gross, I used to adore you.”

“Go eat a burger or a real full meal!!” a follower added.

Cavallari’s fans hit back at the “hateful” comments.

“There’s nothing wrong with how she looks,” one wrote. “Some people don’t want to shove unhealthy s*** food in their mouths. Don’t body shame.”

“I am so tired of grown women thinking the comment section is an appropriate place to body shame and disrespect other women,” fired back another loyal fan. “First off, she didn’t ask your opinion!!! Second, your time might be better spent working on that low self esteem and jealousy! It’s really disgusting that with all the negative things going on in our country you feel the need to anonymously add your beatdown of a beautiful, successful women to the list!”

“Those legs!! Stunning girly,” a follower cheered the star on. “I can’t believe some of these body-shaming comments.”

“Skinny or big ... why do people always have something to say?” read another comment. “We are all way too hard on our own bodies — why do we have to be so hard on other women’s bodies too? Look at that smile. She’s so happy and that’s all that should matter.”

It’s not the first time Cavallari has been targeted. In 2016, body-shamers slammed her after she posted a photo of her children, accusing her and husband Jay Cutler of not feeding them enough.

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