Kylie Baby Name Does Have Connection to Butterfly

Photo credit: Instagram; YouTube
Photo credit: Instagram; YouTube

From Seventeen

Fans were pretty shocked when after a week of theorizing about Kylie Jenner's new baby name being something to do with butterflies, she was named Stormi. What do storms have to do with butterflies? NOTHING. So what were all those lingering shots of butterfly stickers and jewelry for? The fandom felt so misled.

Or were we?

Some fans think they've figured out the connection between butterflies and Stormi's name.

Everyone knows that Travis Scott has a song called "Butterfly Effect". Well, in chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the phenomenon where a small change in a complex system can have large effects elsewhere. A common phrase used to explain the theory is that the flap of a butterfly's wing in one place can set off a tornado somewhere on the other side of the world. And what's a tornado? A ~storm~.