Quick and Easy Christmas Appetizers You Can Make in 30 Minutes or Less

We've all been there. It's Christmas time—our favorite season, for sure. But, nonetheless, it's the season of constant cooking, entertaining, and planning that can feel like a marathon at sprint speed. Not that we don't love it; we're a glutton for punishment when it comes to celebrating the season with our favorite holiday foods and our less-than-calm family. Planning the perfect Christmas Eve dinner, Christmas morning brunch, and a lineup of endless baked goods makes us forget about another important holiday food feature: the appetizers! So, we've rounded some quick and easy holiday appetizers that will have you covered no matter the occasion (or how down-to-the-wire the prep time is). These no-fuss holiday appetizer ideas are simple, delicious, and can be whipped up in under 30 minutes so they won't add too much to your already-full plate.