Laurel Highlands Photo Friends sponsored photo contest winners announced

Diana Sanner won the Best of Show award at the Laurel Highlands Photo Friends photo contest. The Laurel Highlands Photo Friends is an affiliate group of Laurel Arts Inc. Winners in the photo contest include:

Best of Show: Diana Sanner

Scenic: first - Jeanne Henry; second - Carol Saylor; third - John Baltzer. Honorable Mention - Rachel Vojacek

Floral: first - Jeanne Henry; second - Carol Saylor; third - Amanda Knepp. HM - Ron Bruner

Digital Art & Alternative Processes: first - Carol Saylor; second - Wendy Hampe; third - Leslie Mills. HM - Ron Bruner

People: first ― Carol Saylor; second ― Amanda Knepp; third ― BJ Singo. HM ― BJ Singo

Fauna & Birds: first ― Stokes Clarke; second ― BJ Singo; third ― Cheryl Shaffer. HM ― Amanda Knepp

Black & White: first ― Ron Bruner; second ― Cheryl Shaffer; third ― Amanda Knepp. HM ― Rachel Vojacek

Nighttime: first ― Wendy Hampe; second ― Carol Saylor; third ― Ron Bruner. HM ― BJ Singo

General: first ― Diana Sanner; second ― Cheryl Shaffer; third ― Diana Sanner. HM ― Ron Bruner

This article originally appeared on The Daily American: Sanner wins Best of Show in Laurel Highlands Photo Friends contest