Your Leo Monthly Horoscope

Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski
Photo credit: Getty/Katie Czerwinski

From Cosmopolitan

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Your Key Dates:

April 5: Find inner strength and show everyone just how fierce you are

April 19: Chase after your goals, address personal problems you’ve been avoiding

April 20: Prepare to go on a journey, tread lightly around gossip

On April 5, the moon meets the Sun in fiery Aries, aligning your signature exuberance with your emotional depth. This is a big deal, lion love, as the lunation helps you clarify your passions. New moons are an excellent time to practice manifestation, so set exciting, big-picture goals under this sky. In the words of Mufasa, the literal lion king, everything the light touches is your kingdom. Embrace your greatness!

Photo credit: Giphy
Photo credit: Giphy

Jupiter has been moving through Sagittarius (a like-minded fire sign) since November. This lucky transit has illuminated your inner artist, whether you’ve been channeling your creative energy into painting, a project, or a new romantic interest. You’ve been feeling confident, energized, and inspired-and it shows. But on April 10, Jupiter begins its annual retrograde motion. This may seem disappointing, but it’s time for you to slow down. Jupiter retrograde allows you to reflect on your hustle and make adjustments where it’s necessary to do so. The silver lining is that Jupiter stays in your creativity zone for even longer since it’s moving backwards. Win!

Each month, we can count on a full moon to help provide clarity and guidance. This month’s full moon occurs in the sign of Libra, the same sign it was in last month. Think back to March 20. Did you hear some juicy gossip that rattled your world? There’s more where that came from, so brace yourself for serious commotion. You live off of drama, so this lunation will generate some electricity. Use it to your advantage!

Finally, the month concludes with the Sun’s movement into Taurus on April 20. While other signs may embrace the ~chiller~ nature of this particular date, this moment is all about your hustle. Major professional news is coming your way and you’ll find yourself ready to take charge over the next few weeks. Whether you’re accepting new responsibilities at work or starting up your own business, climb the ladder straight to the top. Don’t look down, Leo love. Nothing can stop you now.

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