This lesbian couple proposed to each other at the same moment, in the exact same way, and yes there's video

Life has a funny way of surprising you when you least expect it. When Tori Monaco, a senior at the University of Texas in Austin, waited for her moment to pop the question to her partner during a game of Pictionary, she never expected her partner to beat her to it. That’s right. This lesbian couple planned the exact same proposal in the exact same way on the exact same day. How’s that for surprises?

According to BuzzFeed News, Monaco and her now-fiancée, Berkley Cade, started dating a year ago after meeting on a dating app. They were each other’s first same-sex relationship and just connected right from the start. Because of that, Monaco knew she wanted a future with Cade “immediately.”

Apparently Cade felt the same way. A few months ago, she and her mom, Kristy, began thinking up ways to propose. They decided that Cade would propose during a game of Pictionary while the couple visited her family in Washington.

Funny enough, Monaco contacted Kristy to say she had a ring and wanted to propose to Cade on that same trip. Initially, Monaco thought of proposing during a game of charades until Kristy suggested she do it during Pictionary instead. So this happy coincidence wouldn’t have been possible without a little help from (one very sneaky) mom.

When the time came, this happened:

Seriously. How amazing is that?

As Monaco told BuzzFeed News, “When she began drawing the picture and had her hands shaking and was taking so long to draw the prompt, I had my heart pounding thinking she must know I am going to propose. There is no way she is proposing too,” she said, adding “I [was] laughing at the coincidence, crying tears of happiness, and unbelievably shocked that something so perfect was happening to me.”

Today, engagements can range from extravagant to low-key. But this one just seems particularly sweet. The couple’s perfect, accidental, double proposal went viral on Twitter; a post about it has been retweeted nearly 25,000 times, and a video of the engagement has reached over 5 million views.

The happy, newly engaged couple is planning their wedding for September of next year.