Would You Let Your New Husband Take This KFC Wedding Pic?

?You did just promise to love him 'til death do you part or whatever.??

From Cosmopolitan

On the morning he got married, Louis Davis told the New Zealand Herald he wasn't nervous, he was just hungry for KFC. Why does a newspaper care about what this 21-year-old man was craving on his wedding day, you ask? Because he loves KFC so much he made his new wife and their wedding parties stop there after their nuptials, the result of which is the wedding photo you see above that has close to 11,000 likes on Facebook since he got married.

Davis is quick to give his wife Ashleigh credit for being "a good sport" about the whole thing. In addition to getting all the classic wedding shots she wanted, Davis explained she was down to do something crazy because she knew he wanted to: "I knew the photos that are crack up and the ones you look back on are where you're doing something different."

So in between the ceremony and the reception, the party stopped at a Whangarei, New Zealand, KFC to take the above picture (captioned simply and poignantly "Yeah…") which had thousands of likes when Davis checked back after the wedding. Ashleigh got a new profile picture out of the pit stop as well:

Despite the photo blowing up, Davis hasn't yet heard from KFC whether or not this warrants free buckets o' chicken for the rest of his life: "That would probably be a dangerous thing, to be honest," he told the Herald. "I should at least get a snack box though."

You should also take your new wife to whatever restaurants she wants to go to on your honeymoon.

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