Libra—Your October Horoscope Is Shining a Light On The People Who Bring Out The Best In You

Get ready, because your Libra horoscope for October 2022 says a relationship is about to rock your world. As Venus in Libra forms an opposition with Jupiter in your seventh house of partnerships on October 1, you’re beginning the month with special attention placed on your love life and your social life. You may be taking a shine to someone in particular, reveling in the dynamic duo you both are. Pour fun and whimsical energy into your relationships, because it’ll pay off big time.

As Mercury retrograde comes to an end on October 2, it will station direct in your 12th house of spirituality and endings, prompting you to let go of whatever may have come up for you over the course of the past few weeks. Take time to process the emotional changes you’ve embraced, especially as you’ve learned to forgive yourself and place less pressure on yourself. When Pluto stations direct in your fourth house of home and family on October 8, you may find yourself reconciling some of your early childhood experiences with the live you lead now. You’ve grown so much, Libra.

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On October 9, a full moon in Aries will shine a light on your seventh house of allies and enemies, which could cause your perception of someone in your life to shift. You may realize someone has your back more than you thought! However, you could also come to terms with the fact that someone isn’t meeting you in the middle. When Mercury enters Libra on October 10, it will increase your charisma and remind you of your penchant for diplomacy, paving they way for more balanced partnerships.

Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster
Image: Adobe. Design: Sasha Purdy / StyleCaster

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You may be in the mood to splurge by October 23, when Venus enters your second house of bright and shiny objects. This will not only improve your relationship with money, but it will also encourage you to take part in the sensual and earthly pleasures that make you feel alive. It’s important to indulge once in a a while! However, as a solar eclipse in Scorpio shatters and rebuilds your second house of money on October 25, you may come to terms with how the way you choose to spend is also shaping the outcome of your life. What you buy and how you save says a lot about you, Libra!

Prepare for an increase in productivity by October 28, especially if you’re willing to return to habits, routines and rituals that you know bring out the best in you. This is when Jupiter will retrograde back into your productive sixth house, encouraging you to get back into your groove, because you’re tending to your mental and physical wellbeing in a major way. However, once Mars stations retrograde in your ninth house of wisdom and philosophy on October 30, you’re learning more about the way your beliefs are not always perfect. And although you may think your beliefs are just, they may conflict in ways you’re about to realize. Have an open mind, Libra.

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