My Literal Sub-Atomic-Sized Brain Is Completely Blown After Seeing These 20 Incredibly Interesting Pictures For The Very First Time This Week

1.This is what the world's tallest man, Sultan Kosen, looks like next to his wife:

Sultan Kosen and his wife

Originally from Turkey, Sultan Kosen stands 8'3" tall.

Anadolu Agency / Getty Images

2.And this is what his hand looks like holding a can of Pepsi:

A giant hand holding a can of Pepsi

3.This is what the inside of a water tower looks like:

Inside of a water tower

4.This flag, from 1850, is one of two original and authentic Jolly Rogers in existence today:

A Jolly Rogers flag

5.This is what the host of Jeopardy's podium looks like during a show:

A Jeopardy podium

6.In the hours after he died, a bronze death mask was made of Napoleon Bonaparte's face:

A bust of Napoleon Bonaparte

Also not what I was expecting.

Heritage Images / Heritage Images via Getty Images

7.This is what the biggest leaf ever found in the Amazon Rainforest looks like compared to a adult man:

Man standing next to a giant leaf

8.This is what the Hindenburg looked like while it was under construction:

Construction of the Hindenburg

It was absolutely enormous.

Michael Ochs Archives / Getty Images

9.And this is what the dining hall looked like on board the finished zeppelin:

The Hindenburg's dining hall
/ Alamy Stock Photo

10.Every king except for the king of hearts has a mustache:

King cards

11.This is what an extreme close-up of a needle looks like compared to an extreme close-up of a honeybee's stinger:

Comparing a needle to a honeybee stinger

12.This is what a $500 bill looks like:

A $500 bill

13.This is the oldest picture of the White House ever taken:

The White House

It was taken in 1846.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

14.This ridiculous looking thing is one of the many prototype space suits designed for NASA:

A man standing next to a space suit

This one was designed at UCLA in 1961.

/ Alamy Stock Photo

15.Some flashlights have SQUARE BEAMS:

A square beam from a flashlight

16.This is what the inside of the Statue of Liberty's face looks like:

Inside the Statue of Liberty

17.A toucan's skull looks very, very tiny next to its beak:

A toucan brain next to the beak
Rozbeh / Shutterstock / rozbeh

18.This is Venus of Brassempouy, the oldest carving of a human face ever discovered:

Venus of Brassempouy

19.This is what Stonehenge looks like from the road leading up to it:


20.And, finally, this is what's under a pool table:

Under a pool table