Little-known London locations that recall the fight for women's rights

A strike at the Bryant and May factory in Bow - SSPL/Science Museum
A strike at the Bryant and May factory in Bow - SSPL/Science Museum

It looks, rightly, like a military honour. The Emmeline Pankhurst medal on show in the Museum of London’s ‘Votes for Women’ exhibition, which has opened to coincide with the centenary of the Representation of the People Act on February 6, has a striped ribbon in faded Suffragette colours of green, white and violet and the words ‘For valour’, just like the Victoria Cross. The medal itself says simply: ‘HUNGER STRIKE’.

The quiet subversion involved in creating a medal, adding the colours of hope, purity and dignity and conferring it on women who – like soldiers in battle – were ready to endure and employ violence to achieve victory, shows a brilliant grasp of propaganda.   

Emmeline Pankhurst's medal - Credit: AFP
Emmeline Pankhurst's medal Credit: AFP

This month and this year events are happening across the country to mark the achievements of the Pankhursts and their fellow campaigners: the 1906 act may only have given to vote to women over 30 years of age and in occupation of a property (plus millions of men over 21), but it was a start. And it almost doubled the franchise.

London, as the home of Parliament and politicians around whom so much of the protest movement swirled, is rich in sites, many of them little-known, celebrating the struggle for equality by many women, militant and peaceful, and a number of the men who supported them.

The next statue to be unveiled in Parliament Square this spring will be of a woman by a woman; Gillian Wearing’s sculpture of the suffragist Millicent Fawcett. She may not be as radical a figure as some wanted, but she’s the first one there. It’s a start. 

A model of Gillian Wearing’s sculpture - Credit: CAROLINE TEO
A model of Gillian Wearing’s sculpture Credit: CAROLINE TEO

Plaque to Annie Besant and the Match Girls’ Strike, 1888

Fairfield Works, Bow, E3

The mighty redbrick Bryant and May factory, now private apartments, churned out matches by the million for almost 20 years, thanks to the labour of women who were appallingly paid and often suffered from a facial deformation known as ‘phossy jaw’. The journalist and activist Annie Besant was largely responsible for their mobilisation and the strike became one of the earliest victories for workers versus employers.

The Women’s Social and Political Union (WSPU) Parliament, from 1907

Caxton Hall, Caxton Street, W1

Caxton Hall - Credit: GETTY
Caxton Hall Credit: GETTY

This imposing red building doubled as a Women’s Parliament, held just before each new session at Westminster, after which members would march across the square to press their demands. Tickets read: ‘We demand the vote on the same terms as it is or may be granted to men’.

No entry to building.

The Toilet of Venus by Diego Velasquez, slashed 1914

National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, W1

The Toilet of Venus - Credit: getty
The Toilet of Venus Credit: getty

The famously saucy rear view of an all-too human Venus, nicknamed the ‘Rokeby Venus’ because she hung over the fireplace at Rokeby Park, near Hull, much admired by male visitors before her sale to the gallery in 1906. Suffragette Mary Richardson attacked the painting repeatedly with a cleaver in 1914 – one of many such attacks.

The Lester Sisters, 1912/15

Kingsley Hall, Bromley-by-Bow, E3

Doris and Muriel Lester were comfortably-off sisters who in 1912 commissioned the architect Charles Voysey to build a light-filled nursery school called the Children’s House, which is still there and still a school. Social activists and committed pacifists, they later built Kingsley Hall, also still there, which hosted Gandhi when he came to London. Muriel in particular was a vociferous street-speaker on votes for women.

Kingsley Hall - Credit: GETTY
Kingsley Hall Credit: GETTY

Plaque to George Lansbury, MP for Poplar

39 Bow Road, E3

‘I believe that this fight for women’s enfranchisement is the biggest fight socially that is going on in our country’, wrote George Lansbury in November 1912. The social reformer, MP and later Labour Party leader went on hunger strike the following year in support of women’s right to vote. He lived here as a boy but there’s another plaque to him at the Serpentine Lido, which he built for workers to use in their spare time.

George Lansbury - Credit: GETTY
George Lansbury Credit: GETTY

Suffragette Memorial, 1970

Christchurch Gardens, SW1

A brick’s throw from Caxton Hall, Edwin Russell’s discreet bronze of an unfurling scroll was commissioned by the Suffragists’ Fellowship to commemorate the courage and sufferings of the women of the WSPU and the pacifist Women’s Freedom League.

The Suffragette Memorial - Credit: GETTY
The Suffragette Memorial Credit: GETTY

Dr Salter’s Daydream, 1991/2014

Bermondsey Wall East, SE16

People love this group of life-sized statues by the artist Diane Gorvin, partly because of the little girl and her bronze cat on the river wall. They commemorate Dr Alfred Salter, doctor to the poor and staunch supporter of women’s rights, and his wife Ada, activist, gardener and, among many other achievements, first female mayor in London. Joyce, their only child, died in one of the appalling epidemics then sweeping London. The statues were stolen for their metal in 2011 and re-cast thanks to local subscription.

Ladies’ Gallery Grille, Central Lobby, 1905/1917

Houses of Parliament, SW1

When Charles Barry rebuilt the Houses of Parliament in the 1830s, he added a Ladies’ Gallery – a vast improvement on the previous set up, which involved women craning for a view, but separated from the men by a grille nicknamed ‘The Cage.’ In 1908, Muriel Matters and Helen Fox chained themselves to the grille. It was removed in 1917 and its panels installed in the windows around the Central Lobby, still on view today.

A protest in the Ladies’ Gallery - Credit: GETTY
A protest in the Ladies’ Gallery Credit: GETTY

Votes for Women, February 2nd 2018 to March 1st 2018

Museum of London, London Wall, EC2

A free display that forms part of a year of events, exhibitions and discussions, with a focus on individual women who participated but have been forgotten by history.

Statue of Millicent Fawcett, Spring 2018

Parliament Square, SW1

20 secret sights in London even locals don't know about

Gillian Wearing’s statue will show Millicent Fawcett aged 50, as president of the National Union of Women’s Suffrage Societies, with the names and portraits of 58 supporters of the cause. Then stroll 20 minutes to Embankment Gardens to see the memorial fountain to her husband Henry, also a supporter of women’s rights: their daughter, a brilliant mathematician, became a great educationalist.

And finally…

As you cross Parliament Square, spare a thought for the redoubtable Muriel Matters, of the Ladies’ Gallery fame (above), Australian member of the Women’s Freedom League, who in 1909 hired a dirigible to carry her from Hendon into London in a (sadly failed) attempt to shower VOTES FOR WOMEN leaflets on MPs en route to the new session.