'Love you, giraffe': BioPark Zoo giraffe June turns 30 years old

Jun. 9—About 30 people — including 4-year-old Ariella Robinson — came to ABQ BioPark's giraffe area Sunday afternoon to wish June a happy birthday.

"Love you, giraffe," Robinson said. "Happy birthday."

About 20 minutes later, ABQ BioPark zookeeper Melissa Daniel brought over some elk tree leaves and a platter with apple slices, banana and monkey chow to celebrate June turning 30.

There were no candles, however. Daniel said it would be too dangerous, and "she does not know how to blow them out."

When Daniel put the platter down, she and June looked at a crowd as people sang "Happy Birthday." The 14 1/2 -foot tall giraffe then looked down at the platter, but decided to munch on the leaves instead.

"I think it's funny that she only ate the tree (and) not the 'cake'," said visitor Tadeo Perez, who came just to see June. "It was adorable."

It is believed that June is the fifth oldest reticulated giraffe in North America, senior zookeeper Deidre Noga said in a Facebook video.

According to Merriam-Webster, a reticulated giraffe is defined by its deep chestnut-colored coat divided by a network of fine white lines into large geometric patches.

They are typically found in northeast Africa, Somalia and parts of Kenya and other parts of northeast Africa. Daniel said June came to BioPark Zoo from the Memphis Zoo over 25 years ago.

Daniel said, on average, male giraffes live to be about 16 while females live to be around 20, and for her to live this long is "a really big deal."

"We try to keep her (at) a nice, healthy weight," she said. "She is (also) pretty stubborn, too stubborn to pass."

June is "the uncontested matriarch" of the giraffe community at the zoo, Noga said.

"She is the queen and she knows it," Noga said.

June does have a silly side, Noga said. During training, for example, June gives the "signature puppy-like head tilts" when she is learning something new, she said.

June is one of four giraffes at BioPark. The others are Buccaneer, 21; Camilla, 15; and Niara, 12.

Noga said Buccaneer is a calm giraffe who loves people. Camilla is sensitive but is "eager to engage with her keepers," while Niara is "clever and curious."

Sometimes Niara uses her smarts for mischief like "stealing keepers' radios," Noga said.

June making it to 30 opens up the "door of possibility" for these giraffes to live longer than the average age, Daniel said.

June was not the only animal celebrating a birthday at the zoo Sunday. Trooper, the youngest Hartmann's mountain zebra at the zoo, turned 2.