Man Asks Internet for Help Rescuing Baby Elephant Who's Currently Chained to a Pole

The experiences you have while traveling can be some of the most special moments you'll ever live through, though it's not always easy to see what effect tourism has on the locals of an area. True--tourism brings in a lot of money, but it can also bring about cultural and environmental damage, pollution, and fewer resources for native plants, animals, and people.

And then there's animal tourism! Local animal encounters are popular among tourists around the world, and it's easy to understand why. Animals are so fascinating and fun! But as one elephant rescuer has learned, there can also be a dark side to animal tourism.

Aaron Jackson works with the global nonprofit Planting Peace to save elephants from neglectful and abusive conditions, but now he's asking for help raising funds to buy a baby elephant's freedom. This is the first baby elephant he's working to save, and his love for the chained-up baby is positively inspiring. His December 19 TikTok video has tons of new viewers rallying behind his cause, too!

What an adorable baby elephant! He's only 8 months old, and it's hard to believe all he's been through in his short life. He's been taken from his mother, used for riding, beaten, and tied to a pole when he's not being used. That's no way for any animal to live, and I'm so relieved that the animal rescuers with @planting_peace has him on their radar for rescue.

Related: Video of Rescued Baby Elephant Running Home for Her Milk Bottle Is Touching Hearts

As Aaron explained, he's reached a deal with Tofu's owner to buy his freedom, and he has a wonderful life on a 4,000-acre property waiting for him on the other side. Aaron and Planting Peace have rescued many elephants in Laos, so Tofu will be joining a wonderful family of wild elephants and their advocates.

Elephants are Commonly Used--and Mistreated-- in the Tourism Industry

Unfortunately, Tofu is only one of thousands of animals being used in entertainment and tourism around the world. While there are wonderful, reputable animal sanctuaries that allow people to visit rescue elephants in a non-intrusive way, there are many more riding camps, safaris, and tourist traps that don't prioritize the well-being of their animals.

This is why research is essential before visiting an animal experience while traveling. Everyone will have a great time when an animal is happy and relaxed, and if that's not a good enough reason to be an ethical wildlife tourist, I don't know what is!

As cute as Tofu the baby elephant might be, he's going to be much happier once Aaron reaches his GoFundMe goal and is able to buy the animal's freedom. It's only a matter of time!

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