Man pretending to be homeless rewards people who stopped to help him with $100

A man in Florida spent the holidays pretending to be homeless — and giving back to those who tried to help him.

Brian Breach is a content creator, entertainer and entrepreneur from South Florida who woke up a few days before Christmas wanting to do something charitable. After seeing a story circulating on the internet, he decided he would pretend to be a homeless man outside of a local Target, asking people to help him feed his family this holiday season. When people would offer to help, however, it was they who would receive $100 straight from Breach’s pocket.

Video of Breach’s random acts of kindness was posted to his Facebook page, where it’s had thousands of views. But he tells Yahoo Lifestyle that his intention had more to do with the positive impact it would have on the community, rather than viral fame.

“There’s more positive and helpful people in the world even when you don’t think that’s true,” Breach says. “Every day, all you hear is negative stories, so it leads you to believe the world is a horrible place. It has its negatives, but I feel there’s more good than evil.”

And it’s certain the good that is displayed in the video, where Breach is approached by families and individuals of all ages — including two women who offer Breach food, and a young boy whose father was teaching him a lesson in giving.

“I think others learned that you have to pay it forward in this life because everything comes back around,” Breach explains. “The vibe you put out in the world is what you get back.”

Breach says he might have even inspired one of the recipients to do a good deed of his own.

“One gentleman told me he was going to use the $100 to pay it forward and give it to someone else,” he says. “I thought that was incredible.”

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