Man Shares Fun Trick for Making ‘Pawpsicles’ Pooches Will Love

Spring is almost here, which means warmer days and long afternoons outside. There's nothing better than a fruity popsicle on a warm day, and I bet your pup would agree! Maori Blue is an American Bully whose dad shares videos of some of the amazing things he makes for seriously, it makes me want to eat them! In this video that her dad Rodrigo posted on Saturday, February 24th, he shares a super simple recipe for 'pawpsicles' that your pooch is definitely going to want to try.

The video starts with dad laying out all the things he'll need: the popsicle mold and sticks, fresh chopped strawberries, and some chopped up carrots and chicken (weird, but dogs will like the combo) that he boils in some water. Make sure your sound is on so you can hear Maori's excitement over the treat that her dad is making her!

@Maori definitely approved of the popsicles! I wish I had a dog so that I could make these pawpsicles...I even want that cute popsicle paw mold too! Commenters all expressed pretty much the same thing...we're all jealous of this very patient American Bully! @rennicmic said it best, "I can't believe I'm jealous, this dog eats better than I do." and @jodys_girl added, "When I die, I want to come back as your dog!" And I had to laugh at @ronc2627 who said, "I can't believe how patient she is; my dog would have bitten my arm off!"

Related: Video of Dachshund Puppies Enjoying a Popsicle Is Quickly Going Viral

Nutritious Homemade Treats Your Dog Will Love

Do you make homemade meals or treats for your pooch? When we had our West Highland Terriers the kids and I had fun making them treats and watching how excited they would get knowing what was coming!

One of the big reasons so many people make DIY dog treats is because they know exactly what their dog is eating. Everything that goes into the treat is healthy and good for their pup, and they have control over every ingredient. Other pet owners have pets with specific dietary needs, and making their own treats ensures the pet is getting what they need.

So let's talk about some fun recipes your dog will love! These 4 ingredient doggy breath mints are ones that you'll always want to keep on hand. All you need is spinach, parsley, mint, and some unsweetened Greek yogurt. My mother-in-law always made these chicken and rice treats for her Chow Chow, and it always smelled so good as she was cooking! And I don't know a dog that doesn't like peanut butter, so make sure to keep this recipe for homemade PB and honey treats on hand.

All 10 of these dog treat recipes are simple and nutritious. For even more ideas, Google and hop on Pinterest and you'll find hundreds (quite literally!) of recipes that your fur baby will go crazy for.

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