The Mandatory Guide to Being a Classy Gentleman at Holiday Parties

The Mandatory Guide to Being a Classy Gentleman at Holiday Parties 
The Mandatory Guide to Being a Classy Gentleman at Holiday Parties

There’s a certain amount of class necessary to take your holiday party style to the next level. Sometimes, it’s the way you present yourself, like buying a round for your friends. The rest of the time, it’s how you dress. The ability to balance both at holiday parties proves you’re a guy who’s serious about having a proper good time (and still being a gentleman at heart).

You don’t want to be that guy, the one who still thinks life is one big kegger. We’ll teach you how to be a gentleman at holiday parties, and a classy one at that. This holiday season, follow our guide to make sure you’re ahead of the game when it comes to going out.

Photo: g-stockstudio (Getty Images)
  • Shaved and Bathed

    Shaved and Bathed

    Grooming is an essential part of evolving. A classy guy spends the time necessary to preen before going to an event. A shave and a haircut are the foundation of a gentleman's going-out routine.

    Photo: Veles-Studio (Getty Images)
  • Fragrant, Not Pungent

    Fragrant, Not Pungent

    A gentleman has a signature scent. When you're at an event you don't want it to be overpowering. A light spritz will do the trick. Plus, it's an excuse for the ladies to get close enough to really smell what you're wearing.

    Photo: Tim Kitchen (Getty Images)
  • French Cuff It

    French Cuff It

    To take your look to the next level this holiday season, invest in a French cuff shirt and a nice pair of cuff links. Cufflinks are a fantastic way to showcase your personality in what you wear.

    Photo: Niklas Bonnen / EyeEm (Getty Images)
  • Windsor or Bust

    Windsor or Bust

    Wearing a tie is good, but knowing how to tie it is better. If you don't have this skill under your belt, there are a billion tutorials available on YouTube.

    Photo: David Harrigan (Getty Images)
  • Get Under That Mistletoe, But Bring Protection

    Get Under That Mistletoe, But Bring Protection

    This holiday season, if you're lucky, you'll end up under the mistletoe with someone naughty. Be prepared. Nothing's more gentlemanly than safe sex.

    Photo: Artem Burduk (Getty Images)
  • Light(er) My Fire

    Light(er) My Fire

    Part of being a classy guy is preparation. It's the next level of Boy Scouts no one tells you about. Even if you don't smoke, having a lighter can be the conversation conduit you're always looking for.

    Photo: alekleks (Getty Images)
  • Filled Flask

    Filled Flask

    Just because you're moving onto the next phase of your life doesn't mean the pre-party should end. But ditch the red Solo cups for something a bit more mature. Plus, having a filled flask at a party with dwindling alcohol could make you a real hero.

    Photo: acidgrey (Getty Images)
  • Ride(share) or Die

    Ride(share) or Die

    A real gentleman considers everyone's safety when he's out. This means leaving his car at home and using a rideshare app to safely get around.

    Photo: Quique Garcia / Stringer (Getty Images)

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