Man's arrest after 'good deed' captured on video, but police say it doesn't tell full story

A Maryland man claims to have been wrongfully arrested after helping a drunk man
A Maryland man claims to have been wrongfully arrested after helping a drunk man. (Photo: Instagram/sam_eye_are)

A 23-year-old man from Montgomery, Md., is claiming that he was wrongfully arrested by local police after assisting an intoxicated man. Now, a video of the arrest is going viral on social media and causing a lot of confusion.

Samir Ahmed took to Instagram to post a video taken by a neighbor of the moment he was arrested on Nov. 17, after allegedly doing a good deed.

“I was locked out my house, so I called a Lyft to a friends house,” Ahmed wrote in his post. “While I was outside [waiting], I realized that an intoxicated man had just fell down right by my front yard. I asked if he was okay, but he was so drunk he could barely talk. So I lifted him up and took him home.”

Turns out, that when Ahmed made his way back to his house there wasn’t any good karma awaiting his arrival. Instead, it was a group of Montgomery County police officers who promptly questioned him about the call they received regarding an intoxicated person in need of medical assistance.

According to Ahmed’s post, he explained to police that he was the one who brought the intoxicated man home and even showed officers his ID as proof that he lived at the residence where they were standing. He also wrote that he answered the officers’ questions in a “respectful manner” before the police concluded that Ahmed was, in fact, the intoxicated person.

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(((PLEASE SHARE AND TAG)))) On Saturday November,17,2018 at 11:00am I was locked out my house, so I called a Lyft to a friends house. While I was outside I realized that an intoxicated man had just fell down right by my front yard. I asked if he was okay,but he was so drunk he could barely talk. So I lifted him up and took him home. While walking him home I asked why was he drinking so much, so early in the morning. Unfortunately he was grieving the loss of his brother who passed away a few days ago. I knocked on the door and made sure he got inside home safely then walked back home. When i returned home i seen there where police men and firefighters outside my house. I asked “is there a fire”. The officer responded saying they where called there because someone was intoxicated and needed medical attention. Apparently before I had seen the drunk guy he was unconscious in somebodies lawn.I explained how I carried him home, and showed my ID to prove that I lived on the residence. After answering all there questions in a respectful manner, one the officers said”I think you’re the intoxicated one”. I was later arrested as seen my in the video but was never told what for till literally 3 hours later. I’m currently fighting four charges and Fox 5, NBC, and CBS won’t shed light on this situation SO PLEASE SHARE! Shout out to the Peters family for recording and all the love and support they showed through this situation.

A post shared by Samir The Engineer (@sam_eye_are) on Nov 22, 2018 at 11:50am PST

“He’s under the influence,” one of the officers is heard saying in the video, later telling Ahmed’s father, “We smell marijuana on him.” The officer then explained off-camera that Ahmed resisted arrest, which is what led the officers to put him in handcuffs. In the video, upset neighbors can be heard questioning why the police are arresting Ahmed.

Neither Ahmed or the Montgomery County Police Department responded to Yahoo Lifestyle’s request for comment. According to WUSA9, however, Ahmed was arrested and charged with resisting arrest, disorderly conduct and a couple of other charges, including a citation for possession of a small amount of marijuana.

In a short time, the Instagram video has had over 5,000 views and 2,000 comments, many of which advise Ahmed to sue the police. The charges, meanwhile, are set to be addressed in court in January.

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