Many People Think Carole Baskin Fed Her Husband to the Tigers, and She Doesn't Like That

Photo credit: Netflix
Photo credit: Netflix


Carole Baskin. Carole Baskin. CAROLE BASKIN. If you've watched Tiger King, you've spent at least 30 minutes thinking about this woman, whether she fed her her husband to the tigers (as Joe Exotic alleged), and the moral compass of everyone featured on this show.

No matter your opinion about Baskin, she wants fans of the show to know she is not happy with how she was portrayed. In an interview with the Tampa Bay Times, her first since the Netflix series aired, Baskin, who identifies as an animal-rights activist, said she thinks people misunderstood the message she was trying to get across in the series.

"I just feel so angry that people have totally missed the point," she said. "And the point is these cubs are being abused and exploited and the public is enabling that."

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No matter your Tiger King opinions, things have gotten pretty seriously scary for Baskin since the series aired. Baskin said that, since the Netflix show aired, she's afraid to leave her home because of the death threats she has received. She added that she's seen drones flying over her home and that a doorbell camera has taken photos of as many as 30 people at the gates of her business, Big Cat Rescue.

Baskin added that she was told her former husband Don Lewis's mysterious 1997 death was only going to be used as background context for the series. She feels it was used for the main angle for the series.

While a #FreeJoeExotic hashtag went viral following the premiere of the series, animal-rights activists say the show only portrys part of how poorly animals are treated at private zoos.

"Things are a lot worse than what was portrayed in the Netflix series," Debbie Leahy, senior strategist of captive wildlife at the Humane Society of the United States, told the Tampa Bay Times.

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