Mark Wahlberg Reveals His Diet Philosophy and Intermittent Fasting Schedule

Mark Wahlberg's diet and exercise discipline is legendary. The actor is known to wake up before 4 a.m. to get his first workout in, and has previously shared his high-protein diet plans that have helped him stay in tip-top shape at 51 years old.

In a new interview with GQ, Wahlberg discussed his diet philosophy and how he first discovered intermittent fasting.

"I’ll kinda splurge here and there, but it’s frustrating because later on in life I figure I found the secret to being able to eat more—or indulge more often—if I was intermittent fasting," Wahlberg explained. "So finding out about fasting when I was 50 years old was a little bit frustrating! I would eat a lot of small meals—buying into different philosophies at different times. But I feel like the fasting thing works the best."

Wahlberg dove a bit deeper into his philosophy behind intermittent fasting, explaining what he eats while keeping all three of his meals within a six-hour period.

"Normally with intermittent fasting I eat breakfast, lunch and dinner. I’ll eat at noon, 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. for an eighteen hour fast and a six hour eating window," he said. "Usually eggs, protein pancakes, smoked salmon, a couple pork chops, a couple sausage links and protein with some almond butter for breakfast.I usually have chicken and bok choy for lunch, and then steak and fish for dinner with some sort of vegetable."

As for his cheat meals? Wahlberg's go-to is pasta. "It really just depends. I like cookies and chocolate," he said.