"Marriage or Mortgage" Star Nichole Holmes Opens up About Her Struggle With Infertility

Photo credit: Instagram / Nichole Holmes
Photo credit: Instagram / Nichole Holmes

From House Beautiful

In the Netflix original series Marriage of Mortgage, real estate agent Nichole Holmes tries to convinced engaged couples to invest their savings into the purchase of their first home—rather than splurging on a lavish wedding. Holmes, who is currently a single mother to her 5-year-old daughter Arya, became a little emotional during the third episode of the series when a client, Precious, shared her pregnancy struggles. As it turns out, infertility is an issue that hits close to home for Holmes.

The Nashville realtor spoke with People about that particular exchange with Precious and the vulnerability she showed during the episode. "I was a little bit hesitant," she recalled, "but I'm sitting across from a real-life couple, she's in tears—I could just feel such empathy for her. I could feel that she truly believed she was less of a human being and she felt like she was failing her soon-to-be husband. It breaks your heart."

In the same interview, Holmes explained that she felt that if she was going to make light of personal her struggles while the cameras were on, that was the time to do it. "I could see that [Precious] was hurting," she said. "The human being in me just wanted to reach out and let her know that regardless of what life looks like on the outside... Everybody has their troubles and issues."

Holmes also revealed to the magazine that she suffered a miscarriage at about 12 weeks during her first marriage. She recalled being told by doctors that she had a reproductive "abnormality" and only had one functioning ovary, as well as a misshapen uterus. After a "laborious process" involving surgery, she was given the green light to try to get pregnant again. Unfortunately, her marriage would end shortly thereafter.

"At that point, I was 36, and I came to grips with the fact that I may not have biological children of my own and I have to be okay with that," she says in the interview, noting that adoption was on the table.

Four years later, Holmes recounts, she would remarry a man who "made it clear that he wanted kids." When they were both on board to start a family, Holmes consulted a specialist who placed her on fertility drugs, and she became pregnant with Arya. Although it wasn't all smooth sailing: Holmes was put on bed rest at 30 weeks and Arya was born two months premature.

While the real estate pro's second marriage did end in divorce, she refers to her ex-husband in the interview as "an amazing father," pointing out as well that they navigate co-parenting. Holmes, who is currently single, revealed that she is open to having more kids in the future (whether it's through adoption or becoming a mom to stepkids) if she finds the right partner. Right now; however, she's just enjoying her time spent with Arya.

You can read more of People's exclusive interview with Nichole Holmes here.

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