Married Women, We Want To Know The Secret You'll Never Reveal To Your Spouse

A little while ago, we wrote up secrets that husbands are keeping from their spouses. And now we're curious: Married women, what's something you'll never reveal to your spouse?

  Laylabird / Getty Images
Laylabird / Getty Images

Maybe you cheated on your husband once with a coworker. You realized it was a terrible mistake, but you never told your husband because you knew he'd either divorce you or demand that you find a new job. You don't want either of those things to happen, so you've kept silent, but you often feel guilty about it.

  Studio4 / Getty Images
Studio4 / Getty Images

Perhaps your wife wanted a large diamond for her engagement ring. You could afford it, but it felt like a waste of money to spend that much. So, you just got her a moissanite ring instead and never told her.

  Tatsiana Volkava / Getty Images/iStockphoto
Tatsiana Volkava / Getty Images/iStockphoto

Or maybe you had an affair during the rough patch in your marriage. You know deep down that your child doesn't belong to your husband, but you will never say anything because you don't want to break apart your family.

  Geber86 / Getty Images
Geber86 / Getty Images

Whatever it is, we want to know! Married women, what's the biggest secret you're keeping from your spouse? Share your thoughts in this anonymous form or in the comments below. Some responses might be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post.