Matthew Vaughn Says "Maybe We All Need a Little Bit of Time Off From" Superhero Movies

When asked at this year's New York Comic-Con if he'd like to jump back into the superhero world, Matthew Vaughn didn't seem so enthused.

Explaining that he was surprised by The Flash's box office disappointment, he said, "I don't know whether that was superhero fatigue; you've just seen it done."

Vaughn went on to say, "it made me question. I think there's been so many bad superhero movies as well that it's like when the Western got, you make so many than you get bored of the genre, not because the genre is bad, but because the films are bad ... Now, I'll be intrigued to see how The Marvels does."

With a constant stream of new movies and television shows to get stuck into, it's hard for new fans to know where to begin. For old fans, it seems Vaughn feels there needs to be a short break.

"I do think, maybe we all need a little bit of time off from it. Maybe someone will make something so great that we will get excited again", Vaughn said.

Talking about his film, X-Men First Class, he said, "We set it in the Cuban Missile Crisis; they had relatable human problems. And it wasn't relying on the CG. I think CG's f--d up everything as well, because you feel like you're watching a video game. You're not with the characters."

He did have praise for Guardians of the Galaxy, however. "I still think Groot and the racoon are f---ing pieces of genius, that I feel so much for them."