Meet Agnes Varda, the 89-year-old Oscar nominee who sent a cardboard cut-out to the Academy Awards lunch

Meryl Streep and Greta Gerwig delight in Varda's stand-in - Invision
Meryl Streep and Greta Gerwig delight in Varda's stand-in - Invision

The Oscar nominees luncheon offers the great and the good of Hollywood the opportunity of a class photo before hopes and dreams are dashed at the main event in March. On Monday, Academy Award veterans Steven Spielberg and Meryl Streep (who have racked up 38 nominations between them) joined debutants Greta Gerwig and youngest ever Best Actor hopeful Timothée Chamolet, who were among the 168 nominees attending. 

One, however, was notably absent – Agnes Varda, who in January became the oldest Oscar nominee in history after being shortlisted in the Oscars Documentary Feature. (She's actually just eight days older than James Ivory, nominated for his Call Me By Your Name screenplay.)

The Belgian-born French director has been nominated for Faces Places, a film she made with performance artist JR about rural France. 

Varda was attending an event in France, and said she was too tired to travel to the lunch, so sent a collection of cardboard cut-outs with JR instead.

In one, she held a cat, in another, she looked unimpressed, while a third showed her attempting to reach the hat of her collaborator, who carried the cutouts around for most of the day.

Agnes Varda (and her cat) attracts a crowd on Nominees Night
Agnes Varda (and her cat) attracts a crowd on Nominees Night

JR told Vanity Fair that he had carried the cutouts through airport security and that they were given their own seat on the flight between San Francisco and Los Angeles. 

Varda's replacement enlivened the somewhat formal affair, especially when it came to slotting the cut-out into the group photograph, where it was positioned next to Gerwig and nearby Streep. The Post star was particularly taken with the stunt. The Academy had given JR permission to include Varda's cardboard alias in the photograph. 

Other attendees wasted little time in getting their own snaps of Varda's stand-in.