Meet Nicholas DuBose, a volunteer with the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition

Nicholas DuBose of Canton volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.
Nicholas DuBose of Canton volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.

Nicholas DuBose volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.

He has lived in Canton all of his life. He graduated from Canton South High School. He has a 10-year-old daughter MadaLynn.

“I’ve worked in factories and restaurants. But most recently I picked up the trade of cellphone repair," DuBose said. "I also help with a friend's restaurant called Wild Thyme, and I work with another friend with his energy drink, that’s right out of Canton, and I work with Zeal Energy."

The Stark County Fatherhood Coalition encourages fathers to take an active and positive role in their child’s life. It also promotes and sponsors activities designed to strengthen families.  DuBose has been active with the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition for many years. He and his daughter both participate in and enjoy the coalition's activities. He had an opinion piece published by the Canton Repository on Father’s Day last year and shared the importance of having respect for others and a love for Jesus.

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Nicholas DuBose of Canton volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.
Nicholas DuBose of Canton volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.

Share the mission of the Fatherhood Coalition

To empower fathers to take a positive role in their child's life. The group sponsors activities that strengthen families, and educate the community.

Who are some of the partners in the community that help make the mission happen?

Some of the companies that help keep this program going include Buckeye Health, Early Childhood Resource Center, Challenge Ministries and Community Legal Aid among others.

Why did you want to be a part of the Fatherhood Coalition?

I wanted to be a part of the Fatherhood Coalition because I am a father and I care about the kids in my community because dads need to be in their kids' lives.

The impact that we fathers have on our kids' lives is so important to our community. And what the Fatherhood Coalition does for the dads and their kids is so amazing and that’s something I want to be a part of.

What is your philosophy about how having strong parenting strengthens the community?

We as a people make up the community, and our kids mimic the way that we are. So as parents, if we work together and focus on being the best that we can be, our kids and the children who watch us will want to follow suit.

So, when they grow up, they will have instilled in them everything they need to keep the community strong. It is like what it says in Proverbs 22: ”Train up a child in the way he should go: And when he is old, he will not depart from it.“

What is the best gift you have ever been given?

The best gift that I have ever been given was my dog, Carter.

I recently had to put Carter down a few months ago. He was the smartest dog I have ever been around. He was a chow husky mix, and he had just the prettiest softest brown fur.

He was given to us by a friend of the family who could not bring him to their apartment. But when I moved out on my own, everyone knew he was coming with me, too.

Carter was always ready to greet me when I got off of work or when I came home from a long night out. Words can’t express how much I loved him, and he truly was my best friend.

Editor's note: Five questions with ... is a Sunday feature that showcases a member of the Stark County community. If you'd like to recommend someone to participate, send an email to [email protected].

Nicholas DuBose of Canton volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.
Nicholas DuBose of Canton volunteers with and is active in the Stark County Fatherhood Coalition.

This article originally appeared on The Repository: 5 questions with Nicholas DuBose of Stark County Fatherhood Coalition