Is Meghan Markle Getting an Agent?

As Meghan Markle and Prince Harry step back from the royal family, all eyes are on their next steps as they work to become financially independent. And now, rumors are circulating that Meghan might be looking for someone to represent her for future projects.

Us Weekly has a source saying Meghan is "actively looking for representation" in the form of either a manager or an agent.

"It can be a manager or an agent, but she’s reaching out to people to find someone to represent her for future professional projects," the unnamed source said.

If the rumor is true, it wouldn't be far out of the realm of possibility, though a manager or agent doesn't necessarily mean that she's going back to acting. Managers or agents can represent a person professionally for other career paths, such as for book deals or sponsorships — but it's still early days since Harry and Meghan's exit, and there's no way of truly knowing what their next steps will be.

Since the news of their exit, it's been reported that Meghan signed a deal with Disney for voiceover work to draw attention to Elephants Without Borders, a charity that helps to track and protect the animals from poaching. While she reportedly won't be compensated directly for her voiceover work, the deal does provide some color on what she and Harry might do post-royal life.

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For now, though, Meghan and Harry are the only ones who know what their plans are.