Meghan Markle on the "Huge and Significant" Moment When Archie Met Desmond Tutu

Photo credit: Pool - Getty Images
Photo credit: Pool - Getty Images

From Town & Country

Last week, a video of Meghan Markle holding back tears, released to preview ITV's documentary Harry & Meghan: An African Journey, made the rounds on the internet. Understandably, it inspired widespread sympathy—but fortunately, that was just one scene. In other parts of the documentary, the Duchess had plenty of positive things to say.

When asked about bringing her months-old baby, Archie, to meet Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Meghan was quick to share how meaningful it was. "I know, I know," she said. "It’s not lost on us just how huge and significant a moment that is."

She went on, "I think Archie will look back at that in so many years and understand that right at the beginning of his life he was fortunate enough to have this moment with one of the best and most impactful leaders of out times... It’s really special."

Photo credit: Pool - Getty Images
Photo credit: Pool - Getty Images

Right now, Archie's far too young to understand that, but it seems that he still enjoyed the trip to Africa regardless. "He’s doing really well," Meghan said in the documentary. "He’s sleeping really well."

In another section of the documentary, Harry echoed Meghan's sentiments. "I tell you what, [Archie] clearly loves Africa as well, because he was up looking out the window, he's found his voice now," the prince told a local group in Cape Town's Bo-Kaap neighborhood. "He was bouncing up and down, he's making more noise than he's ever made, and he's smiling all the time."

The Duchess chimed in, too. "We thought he was happy before!" she said. "He is the happiest here, just so chatty the past two days."

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