Meghan Markle And Prince Harry Will Probably Choose One Of These Names For Their Baby

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From Women's Health

Meghan Markle is giving birth in just a few months, at which point we'll have to stop calling her child the "royal baby" and actually start using its real name. Naturally, I-like any true Meghan stan-am hoping she names her kid Princess Rachel Zane. HOW-EV-ER. If for some mysterious reason the Duke and Duchess choose *not* to name their child after a Suits character, they'll likely pick something more traditional. At least according to bookies, who have made a literal career of predicting this stuff.

On that note, here are the top three names leading bets for boys and for girls.

If They Have a Girl

Victoria is leading bets according to bookies, and the reason why is pretty obvious. Queen Victoria is one of the most iconic monarchs in the royal family, known for breaking down gender norms and being a total powerhouse in a male-dominated world. It makes sense that Meghan-a feminist-would be drawn to her legacy.

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Back in October, bookies revealed that Meghan and Harry's baby had a 5/2 chance of being named Alice-which happens to be the name of Prince Philip's mother, not to mention Queen Victoria's daughter. Harry is super close to his grandfather, so it stands to reason that he'd want to honor his side of the family in this sweet way!

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Like, obviously, right?! Prince Harry's late mother was Princess Diana, and paying her tribute seems like a given. That said, Kate and William already gave Diana a shoutout when they named Charlotte (her full name is Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana), so Megs and Harry might want to mix things up.

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If They Have a Boy

When the royal baby news was announced last fall, Albert immediately shot to the #1 spot on betting sites. And FWIW, this one is super popular among royals, mostly because Queen Victoria's beloved husband was named Albert.

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Thanks to the ~legend~ of King Arthur, this name almost feels cliché for a royal (not to mention it's already Prince Louis' middle name) but it's still high on betting lists. IMO Meghan wouldn't name a kid something so basic (no offense to any Arthurs reading this), but you never know.

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Again, it's no secret that Harry is super close to his grandfather. Honoring Prince Philip by naming a baby after him while he's still alive would be so incredibly special, so I'm putting my (imaginary) money on this one.

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