Meghan McCain shoots down Trump's brag about being in Vietnam: 'Have you taken a trip to the Hanoi Hilton yet?'

Meghan McCain may be the reigning Republican on The View — as evidenced by her tweet attacking the Democratic Party’s stance on abortion Tuesday — but that doesn’t mean she’s a Trump supporter.

McCain has made no secret of her disdain for Trump over his critical remarks about her late father, Sen. John McCain.

“He’s not a war hero,” Trump said in 2015 regarding the more than five years McCain spent as a prisoner of war in North Vietnam, though he later backtracked on the controversial comments. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

Following the Arizona politician’s death in August, his daughter gave a eulogy alluding to the discord of the Trump presidency. She later admitted that she felt “uncomfortable” about Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner being present at his funeral.

“A funeral is sort of, obviously, a sacred time, and I thought that my family had made it clear, at least I had, that the Trumps are unwelcome around me,” she told Stephen Colbert on The Late Show. “And my father had been very clear about the line between the McCains and the Trumps.”

Given her father’s proud military background, it’s no surprise, then, that McCain was irked when President Trump tweeted on Wednesday morning about his own time spent in the country. He is currently meeting with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un for a summit in Hanoi.

Meghan McCain referenced her late father’s experience as a POW in Vietnam. (Photo: Heidi Gutman /ABC via Getty Images)
Meghan McCain referenced her late father’s experience as a POW in Vietnam. (Photo: Heidi Gutman /ABC via Getty Images)

Trump, who received a medical exemption for the Vietnam War draft because of a controversial bone spurs diagnosis, joked that he had already spent more time in the country than Sen. Richard Blumenthal. Blumenthal, a frequent target of the president’s, apologized in 2010 for implying that he’d physically served in Vietnam, when in fact he was a U.S.-based member of the Marine Corps Reserve during the Vietnam War.

McCain fired back at Trump’s brag by referencing the “Hanoi Hilton,” the nickname given to the H?a Lò Prison, where her father and other POWs were held captive. The prison was destroyed in the 1990s, though a museum stands in its place.

Many of her followers reacted to her dig with jokes at Trump’s expense. Some said he was “unworthy” of visiting such a place given his own military record.

The president did get some support. One commenter accused McCain of being “bitter.”

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