How To Use Mercury’s Trip Through the Zodiac To Manifest Your Goals

Whether you’re hoping to take a relationship, your career or health and wellness routine to the next level, you might wonder how astrology can help you manifest your goals. You might already read your horoscope on a weekly or monthly basis to get a sense of what’s coming up for you and even factor those conditions into your game plan for achieving a particular aspiration. But there are other ways to use astrology to make your dreams a reality. For example, you can look at your birth, or natal, chart for insight into your own unique strengths and challenges that can help or hinder your success. And considering the planets’ current path through the 12 zodiac signs can provide intel on current and future roadblocks or green lights.

Sure, to be fair, if you’re a beginner, diving into either of these steps can feel overwhelming. That’s why it can help to zero in on a particular planet, such as Mercury, the planet of communication. Here’s why you’ll do well to focus on Mercury and how to harness the power of the messenger planet’s journey through the constellations to transform an aspiration — whether related to relationships, work or well-being — into reality.

Why Mercury is a key planet for manifesting your goals

As the author of Mercury Magic: How to Thrive During Retrogrades and Tap Into the Power of the Messenger Planet All Year Long, I know that it’s hard not to associate Mercury, the planet of communication, transportation and technology, with its headache-inducing retrogrades, which occur three to four times a year for three weeks at a time. Despite its bad reputation, Mercury informs your communication style, approach to information-gathering and sharing, thought processes, decision making and ideal strategies for learning. And, of course, all of these skills are integral to researching, detailing and plotting out your game plan for achieving any goal.

Mercury also fuels social interactions and cerebral energy, both of which play a part in building momentum toward a particular vision.

When it comes to tapping into Mercury’s powers for manifestation purposes, it helps to note the difference between natal versus transiting Mercury.

Your natal Mercury is your Mercury sign — a screenshot of what transiting Mercury was doing (for instance, the sign it was in and how it was connecting or clashing with other planets) at the exact moment you were born from the vantage point of your birthplace.

Meanwhile, transiting Mercury refers to the planet as it moves through the zodiac signs in real time. It is the planet closest to the sun, so it’s usually in the same sign as the sun or the sign before or after it. So, for example, we are currently in Cancer season and Mercury has just moved into Leo (the sign that follows Cancer).

Tips for manifesting during each Mercury sign season

In Mercury Magic, I offer guidance on how to make the most of Mercury’s trips through each of the 12 zodiac signs. As it moves either forward or backward (aka retrograde) through each sign, it sets the tone for how we are all inclined to express and take in information, move through the world and use technology. For instance, if it is moving through Aries, the fast-paced, to-the-point, action-oriented cardinal fire sign, we’re more likely to be more direct, avoiding flowery language and preferring to take action versus get caught up in long-winded conversations. On the other hand, if Mercury is in deeply empathic mutable water sign Pisces, what we think and say is bound to be informed by our emotions, daydreams and desire to heal others.

By tracking the sign Mercury is moving through at any given time, you can more confidently connect with others when discussing your aspiration. You can also tap into the unique cerebral energy of the moment when choosing a manifesting ritual.

How to find out which zodiac sign Mercury is currently in

To figure out what sign Mercury is currently moving through, you can:

  • Check the latest Woman’s World Mercury forecast.

  • Get an astrological planner or calendar.

  • Check a planetary ephemeris online (such as on CafeAstrology), wich provides month-long tables that track the transits of each planet. Look for the Mercury symbol (?) and familiarize yourself with the symbol of each zodiac sign.

Then, consider the following quick tips for each Mercury sign season (and check out Mercury Magic for more):

How to manifest when Mercury is in Aries

How to manifest when Mercury is in Aries
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Pitch your biggest, most ambitious ideas, highlighting action steps you want to take while keeping your road map to short, succinct bullet points. Enjoy the bright, motivating side of being competitive — even if it’s only with yourself.

Click through for more on Aries.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Taurus

How to manifest when Mercury is in Taurus
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Take your self-worth into consideration. Is it aiding or inhibiting your progress? And reflect on and share the practical details and steps that you'll need to take to hit your goal.

Click through for more on Taurus.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Gemini

How to manifest when Mercury is in Gemini
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Gather any and all details, research and opinions about the best way to cross the finish line while remembering that not every single idea is a magic bullet. This can help you stay on track and avoid running out of steam.

Click through for more on Gemini.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Cancer

How to manifest when Mercury is in Cancer
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Talk about what you want to achieve with a loved one and think about how it can benefit your sense of security. Allow yourself plenty of room to acknowledge and move through your emotions while striving for a bit more objectivity now.

Click through for more on Cancer.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Leo

How to manifest when Mercury is in Leo
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Lean into the passionate, confident, creative and assertive energy of this moment by avoiding hesitation and reminding yourself that you deserve to reach your goal. Trust yourself and say exactly what you mean.

Click through for more on Leo.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Virgo

How to manifest when Mercury is in Virgo 
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Embrace the ability to be precise by meditating on all of the minute details related to your aspiration — not only in terms of the steps that it will take to get there but all of the simplest joys that it will bring. Streamline your routine to foster more balance in your life and make room for the reality you’ve been envisioning.

Click through for more on Virgo.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Libra

How to manifest when Mercury is in Libra
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

One-on-one conversations, ideation and relating are optimized, so discuss your vision with a friend, loved one or significant other. Consider how your partnerships can support your ability to reach your goal, then capitalize on those strengths.

Click through for more on Libra.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Scorpio

How to manifest when Mercury is in Scorpio
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Explore your most deep-seated emotions around what you want to manifest. Ask yourself tough questions, like whether you’re truly willing to face certain fears, jealousies, insecurities or other underlying challenges to achieve your dream. Bolstered self-awareness amplifies your inner power.

Click through for more on Scorpio.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Sagittarius

How to manifest when Mercury is in Sagittarius
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Take advantage of the super-positive, buoyant, optimistic tone of this moment by realizing you can achieve even more than what you might have been planning for. Don’t shy away from bold, adventurous actions and gestures to make your objective clear.

Click here for more on Sagittarius.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Capricorn

How to manifest when Mercury is in Capricorn 
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Tap into your own sense of authority while engaging with authority figures in your life who might have influence or advice on how you can manifest your vision. And lean into your instinct to take the initiative, even if it’s just one small step.

Click through for more on Capricorn.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Aquarius

How to manifest when Mercury is in Aquarius
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Harness the innovative, idealistic and willful energy of the moment by shaking up your approach and allowing room for breakthroughs while remaining resolute on your objective. You could find that involving friends or colleagues is particularly useful now, as well.

Click through for more on Aquarius.

How to manifest when Mercury is in Pisces

How to manifest when Mercury is in Pisces
Svetlana Larshina/Getty

Connect with and honor your inner voice, allowing it to lead you toward the next best step to pursue your goal. You may be more flexible in your thinking now, albeit more indecisive, too, and you could see progress from more imaginative efforts (like tapping into an artistic impulse) versus more pragmatic moves.

Click through for more on Pisces.

For all things horoscope, click here!