Michelle Rodriguez Really Just Said Liam Neeson Can't Be Racist Because of How He Kisses in Movies

Photo credit: Theo Wargo - Getty Images
Photo credit: Theo Wargo - Getty Images

From Cosmopolitan

So earlier this week, an interview came out in which Liam Neeson thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone he once was looking to commit a hate crime and kill a random black man on the street. And for some reason, his Widows costar Michelle Rodriguez is defending him and saying there's no way he can be a racist because of the way he kisses when he's acting. Riiiight.

Some background: Liam said that about 40 years ago one of his friends was raped. When he heard about it, he immediately jumped to asking, "What color were they?" She said they were black, so he went out into the streets looking to get even. He added:

"I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I'd be approached by somebody–I'm ashamed to say that–and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [gestures air quotes] 'black bastard' would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could kill him."

Yeah, that's definitely not okay. Oh, BTW, Liam just said he banished those racist thoughts and that horrific behavior by talking to a priest and...power walking.

And now that everyone is rightfully calling him out for what he did and said, the woman who once had to apologize for telling people of color to "stop stealing white superheroes" is defending him. At the amfAR Gala last night, Michelle said, "It's all f*ckin' bullsh*t. Liam Neeson is not a racist. Dude, have you watched Widows?" she asked, referencing their new movie.

She went on to say that just because he kissed Viola Davis in the movie, that means he's not racist. She tried to explain:

"His tongue was so far down Viola Davis throat. You can't call him a racist ever. Racists don't make out with the race that they hate, especially in the way he does with his tongue-so deep down her throat. I don't care how good of an actor you are. It's all bullshit. Ignore it. He's not a racist. He's a loving man. Its all lies."

*Insert blinking man GIF here.*

Understandably, Twitter is not here for her blatant disregard for history. Who someone kisses has nothing to do with whether or not they are racist.

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